The boys returned to their room damp and completive, and found Izuku reading on his futon, humming to himself.
He turned to smile brightly at them as they filed in, "hey guys! Nice bathe?"
There was a pause, but Sero initiated the 'everything's fine' protocol quickly enough. "Great!" He replied brightly, "Bakubro has the best abs! And Shouji can hold his breath underwater for ages! It was super cool! Denki even managed to keep his quirk under control!"
"That's amazing! Though I'm not surprised about Kaachan! We've been training together since the start of the year and he works really hard!"Bakugou determinately followed the script, though he was in no mood too. "Of fucking course I have the best abs! I wouldn't have to do anything to be more muscular than you fucks!"
"Kaachan!" Exclaimed Izuku, "they all have great muscles! Have you seen Kiri's biceps!!?!??"
The redhead flushed with pride, and Bakugou scowled - Izuku had deliberately complimented the one guy, he wouldn't insult. He just tched and squatted down on his futon."Okay Tokoyami?" Asked the greenette, "you seemed a little nervous to go..."
"Twas devilry." The teen replied from his corner, still shaking slightly from the experience."He was so adorable!" Exclaimed Kaminari, "he actually brought little black swimming shorts with pentacles on it to wear! He was so- mmpf!"
He was stopped from teasing the shy emo further by a well aimed pillow from the greenette.
"Hey, what was that for!" Grumbled Kaminari.
Sero chuckled, "you tease the edge lord, mama Zuku'll- mmpf! OOOH OJIRO IT IS ON!"And thus began the ultimate pillow fight. Izuku used a helpful stealth quirk so he could just sit back and watch. The only way anyone would notice him, was if they'd intended to approach him before he'd activated it. Which was why he jumped when someone gently touched his arm.
He turned to find Bakugou had settled down beside him. "The baths are probably empty now nerd. If you want to go... I'll keep watch for you."
The blond gave Izuku a side long glance and the latter's eyes widened, "won't that be a hassle for you Kaachan?"
"Excuse to avoid these dipshits for half an hour? I've no complaints."
"Oh..." Izuku looked away for a bit, then sent his companion a shy smile. "Then yes please.."
"Follow after me in ten minutes." Grunted the blond, standing up and stomping out the room, with a short, "toilet" in reply to Kirishima's questioning gaze.Izuku scanned the room, but Shinsou was occupied explaining what was going on to Todoroki, and how freezing pillows then throwing them was unfair play. Iida was animatedly telling the class it was past curfew and they needed to be up early the next day. Tokoyami was listening to heavy metal sharing earphones with Jirou in a corner. And the rest were fully engaged in the intense pillow fight... apart from Aoyama who was... looking right at him.
Before he could do anything, Aoyama carefully lifted his hands and signed in his lap, hidden from those near him.
Go mon ami, I'll make sure none of them come looking.
Izuku swallowed a lump in his throat.
Why Yuga?
Beautiful people should help each other out, no?
He stifled a laugh.
They should, come tell me if I can ever return the favour!
I will. Now go.He got up, and carefully made his way to the door, slipping out and padding down the stairs. On his way down to the ground floor he met the girls coming up.
"Hey Izu!" Uraraka gave him a friendly hug. "Down to the hot springs? What about the other guys?"
"Oh, they went earlier!" The greenette's smile faltered at the reactions his answer elicited."Sugar honey ice tea!" Yelled Ashido.
Yaoyorozu paled, "when did they get back?"
"About twenty minutes ago... why?"
Hagakure gave a panicked squeak, and the other girls looked worried.
The greenette's brows furrowed, and he moved over to Hagakure, "Tōru... what's the matter?" He asked softly.
"I... well we were talking in the baths... and I told the girls about O-Ojiro! And what you just said...m-meant the boys all over heard what I said... he knows! He must hate m-me!"
"Oh Tōru..." whispered Izuku softly and pulled her into a hug. "It will be okay! I know he likes you!"
He smiled, stroking her hair and talking gently, "you girls aren't the only ones who talk about crushes, come on. Tomorrow evening I'll use my quirk and you can talk, face to face. You are so beautiful Tōru, inside and out! And he doesn't deserve you if he doesn't appreciate that. This time tomorrow you'll be crying from happiness, okay?"
She sniffed, "okay... I trust you Izu..."
He grinned, "I won't let you down Tōru." He pulled away, "now, I need to bathe and get back, so you guys head up and get some sleep okay? Tomorrow's going to be exhausting!"
"Okay Izuku!" Uraraka smiled, and she, Ashido and Yaoyorozu led Hagakure up the stairs. Jirou patted him on the back and he shared a nod with Asui.

The Emerald Prince
FanfictionAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...