Chapter 99: Izuhunt

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Izuku was keen to go beat the shit out of the person responsible for Eri's mistreatment... but revenge was a dish best served cold, and he couldn't bear the thought of her having a panic attack because she went to his room for support and he wasn't there. He couldn't bear the thought of that, he would have felt the same at the start of the year if he walked into Aizawa's room and his dad had vanished.
So when he woke up with her in his arms after their first night in the dorms, he only smiled softly. He had plenty of things to be getting on with in the meantime.

That morning during English, Bakugou smuggled him the baby photos using a level of tact and kindness that would have brought Izuku to tears if the exchange hadn't occurred in the middle of class.
At lunch he'd been approached by Ojiro and Hagakure who were wondering if he'd stalk them on their date on Saturday and keep Hagakure's quirk inactive, and he agreed easily. Though he could take her quirk and give it back, she'd felt rather uncomfortable with the idea, and Izuku wasn't ready to admit he could also upgrade quirks, yet.

On Mondays and Wednesdays, he'd decided to continue his combat training with the class, and since All Might had decided to take credit for the classes' huge improvements, he resolved to do it on campus, and to invite 1B and any members of general studies and support to join if they were interested.
They ended up having to book the largest gym to work in, when eighty students showed, Izuku pairing newbies with 1A members to learn.
Needless to say when Cementoss caught him teaching them, All Might was asked some very awkward questions which Aizawa took vicious pleasure in listening to him stammer over.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, he and class 1A who all knew his true abilities - excepting the existence of upgrading, would head out to the forest, where he'd train them, using many of the quirks he had at his disposal to test them, and challenge them. Occasionally Aizawa even came with, since some students needed their quirk forcibly removed in order to think more creatively.

There were obviously questions about where Izuku obtained so many quirks, but he told them what he was currently doing, and they accepted it surprisingly easily, chuckling when he used Hawk's quirk to observe their training from above.

That wasn't to say he'd eased up on them. That Monday he used the gravity quirk on them, at three times what they were accustomed to, and had them fight each other. It was horrific, but the feeling when he released it after two hours of pain was spectacular.

That Thursday was the worst though. He revealed he'd fused Pixie-bob's earth manipulating quirk with Kaminari's lightning quirk and with Hiniyuki's quirk (and his brother's and mother's though only Hiniyuki knew that) giving him almost full elemental control - he hoped a wind user came into his life soon...anyway, he'd created a forcefield around himself he had them break into, with a dome two metres thick of ice and rock, covered in a layer of fire.

It took them three hours, and a great deal of shouting and use of Hiniyuki and Yaoyorozus' quirks to get through, only to find Izuku had made a tunnel underneath the dome to get out and watch from the sidelines, which they realised in hindsight they could have done pretty easily to get in.

With all that, Izuku's schedule was pretty full, but what Bakugou, Hiniyuki and Shinsou couldn't work out was where Izuku disappeared to every Friday evening until well past 3:00am. They thought he might be meeting Hawks which pissed them off, but Aizawa had informed them he hadn't left the premises. The devious teacher wouldn't tell them anymore though.

Like the wise man he was, on Friday, Shinsou said he didn't care where Izuku was and left the other two to their hunt/testosterone battle. He headed back to the dorms, settling on an armchair beside Shouji, leaning back and gazing at the ceiling in exaggerated worry.

As intended, his unusual behaviour caught the attention of Iida and his particularly loud, carrying voice.
"Shinsou-kun! Are you alright? You look worried over something!"
Shinsou pretended not to have heard, he needed to make sure as many people came into the common room and overheard as possible.
"Shinsou-kun?" Asked Uraraka from a bean bag. "Are you okay?"
He continued gazing at the ceiling, his soul which always wore a smirk, smirked wider though externally his lips barely twitched as he heard the shuffle of feet.

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