Chapter 126: Best Laid Plans

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"I'm back!"
Izuku rejoined the class at lunch, looking pretty perky for someone with a death date. He'd missed morning lessons, though Nezu had given him a free pass for the entire week. He was meeting the principal later to bring him up to date, but for now he wanted to eat with his friends.

Uraraka grinned at him cheerfully, "welcome back! Where were you?"
Izuku blushed slightly as Shoto and Hitoshi made space between them, and no one missed it as the greenette settled down. "I'm gonna be in and out of classes a little this week. The police want my assistance with a case..."
The greenette was a terrifying actor. His nervous glance at Shoto helped the entire class come to the exact conclusion he wanted them to.

"So how was Hero training?" He asked brightly.
Yaoyorozu smiled, "not as good as your lessons! But we'll be taking the exam to get our provisional licenses soon which is exciting!"
"We'll be competing with other schools which will be interesting, kero." Elaborated Asui.
"Sounds fun!" Izuku smiled brightly.
"It is our time to shine!" Exclaimed Aoyama, sparkling slightly more than usual with Iida beside him. Izuku raised an eyebrow at the blond, looking pointedly at the class president but Aoyama only smirked playfully. That was all Izuku needed though.
"We'll be going to Takoba National Stadium in two weeks to take the tests." Said Shinsou, calmly telling Izuku what he actually needed know.

"They will be, yes."
The group looked up in surprise when they saw Nezu.
"Sir?" Asked Izuku politely.
The rat smiled, "you will be meeting with the leaders of the government. They'll be in attendance at Takoba anyway to eye up the next generation of heroes, but they'll be focusing mainly on their meeting with you."
"So cool..." said Kaminari.
Izuku smiled, "I look forward to it. I'm guessing you're here for more than just a dramatic entrance though, principal?"
Nezu cackled, "indeed! I have an unexpected schedule change so I'd prefer to have our conversation now if you wouldn't mind, Izuku."
"Not in the slightest."
Izuku swallowed his last mouthful of ramen noodles before getting up and following the principal out of the canteen.

1A watched him go thoughtfully.
"What's really going on?" Asked Jirou, eyeing Shinsou.
The purple haired teen shrugged. "Fucked if I know."
"You're his boyfriend."
Shinsou shook his head, "not yet."
"He rejected you guys!" Exclaimed Hagakure sadly.
"Postponed." Stated Shoto, "he has someone he needs to deal with first."
"His genetic father." Elaborated Shinsou, and the atmosphere dropped at the unpleasant reminder of Izuku's parentage.

"What's up with Izuku?"
Kendo had come over with Monoma, Kuroiro, Awase and Ibara.
Shinsou answered since he could lie the most convincingly, "just got to settle a few things with Nezu about the incident with Endeavour."
"Oh!" She and her classmates glanced nervously at Shoto, "we heard about that..."
"It's fine." Shoto said monotonously, "he physically abused me for years. My mum's planning a party to celebrate his sentencing."
Kuroiro laughed at that, and Awase and Kendo stared at him.
Monoma chuckled, "then congratulations I guess."
Bakugou debated about glaring at the teen, but decided against it. Izuku's ability to forgive and move on was an ability he owed a great deal to, and he'd done much more irredeemable things than Monoma.

The bell went then, and they headed off toward English and Present Mic. The blond hero overheard Shoto and Yaoyorozu discussing wedding rings and ended up joining them for most of the class.


"Very unfortunate."
"You'll assist Shouji?" Prompted Izuku.
The principal nodded, "you have my word. It has long since been on the agenda, and now I'll move it to a top priority."

Nezu sighed and look the teen up and down, "bad luck follows you everywhere doesn't it cub?"
At the question, Izuku looked up from his hands and smiled shyly, "good luck too. I'm here, I have family, and friends for care about me, and a home."
"Things a great deal of people take for granted."
Izuku suspected the Principal hadn't intended for him to read what he did into that statement.
"Principal, if I temporarily took your quirk, what would happen?"
"I believe I'd regain my original bear form and intellect. I'd return to this state if you gave it back, but I'd almost certainly lose my memories and knowledge in the process. I appreciate the thought of trying to give me a companion but it wouldn't work, and I am genuinely content enough as it is."
Izuku nodded slightly, still disappointed, "makes sense."

Nezu cleared his throat, "you can entrust organising the heroes to me, I believe you can gather a wider group than that though."
Izuku nodded, "I need your assurance in writing that anyone who shows to assist will not be arrested. For quirk usage or prior crimes."
"They will have immunity for the duration of the confrontation and half an hour before and after. Acceptable?"
Izuku nodded, and the principal opened his computer, running up an official document to assure that in writing.
"How many copies do you want?"
"One digital, and three in print, forgive me but may I read over it first? Some of the people I'm going to invite are people you very much want to arrest."
"Interesting." Nezu eyed him, but turned the computer around so Izuku could proof read the document.
The greenette took his time but eventually nodded his satisfaction.

"Who do you want as witnesses?"
"Toshinori Yagi and Shuzenji Chiyo."
"You are such a smart cub, I rather wish you were my own." Sighed the principal, and Izuku flushed slightly under Nezu's admiring smile.
"T-Thank you sir."
"I'll call them up right away."

"Also..." Izuku swallowed but Nezu seemed to know exactly what he was going to say.
"None of the students will be informed. I imagine you'll tell Hiniyuki, Shinsou and Bakugou, but none of the students will hear about the fight or the location. You've trained them well, but they are still underage and inexperienced."
The greenette smiled in relief, "good. I won't have them risking their lives."


"Izuku..." Shoto eyed the teen warily.
"I have to leave." Replied Izuku calmly.
"Izuku-" Hitoshi narrowed his eyes, and his tone was more desperate.
"Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now..." whispered Shoto.
Hitoshi closed his eyes, "Helpless..."
"They are asking me to lead." Said Izuku firmly.
"Look around, isn't this enough?" Growled Katsuki, gesturing angrily.
Hitoshi sighed, leaning against the wall. "He will never be satisfied..."
"Isn't this enough?"
"""He will never be satisfied!"""



"Izuku..." Shoto eyed the teen warily.
The greenette scowled, "I was tempted not to tell you guys! Don't you trust me?"
"We do, mostly." Said Shinsou dryly.
Bakugou scowled, "I don't care how well you know the people or the area, you are not going downtown quirkless and alone."
"Glad you didn't express that opinion while I was on the edge of a fucking roof." Bit Izuku, successfully silencing them.
He gave in a little at Bakugou's slightly broken look.
"Sorry, that was uncalled for. I just..." he slumped back onto the bed between Shoto and Bakugou, "...I've a different persona... it's a side of me you haven't...well Shinsou's seen a little I guess... and you know the work I did...But I'm not sure I want you guys to truly see me in that environment..."

He propped himself up on his elbows, peeking at the three in turn before gazing at the floor, "In honesty I'm a little scared of what you'll think."
"Like you could do anything to make the three of us dislike you." Said Bakugou derisively, "dare you to take us nerd."
Something flickered in the greenette's eyes at the use of a dare, he'd really enjoyed that party game. "You dare me?"
"I do."
"Alright then." Izuku got off the bed and eyed the three of them critically. "Sho, afraid you can't come."
"Why?" Asked the bicoloured teen.
"I trust you with my life, but I don't trust you to fit in at the place we're headed. This requires A grade socialisation skills, and really careful handling. Kaachan barely passes, but his type of speech fits well with that environment."
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"You've got major Dom energy." Supplied Shinsou, before muttering low enough for only Izuku to hear, "more like brat energy."
Izuku snorted.

"Can I really not come?" Shoto looked like a kicked puppy, sat on the bed looking faintly lost.
Izuku walked over to him, straddling him on the bed and cuping his cheek with one hand.
He leant forward and whispered softly into the taller teen's ear, "if you saw me doing this to some stranger, doing more than this...could you maintain your composure Sho?"
Shoto flushed a little, and sighed, resting his head on Izuku's shoulder in resignation.
"I might be able to resist killing them."
Izuku blushed, he liked Shoto's possessive side more than he should. "I'm afraid for this I need full out appearing not to give a shit." He got up, and turned to look at the other two boys. "Can you guys do that?"

Shinsou smirked, "you know I've been doing that for weeks."
Izuku flushed at the thought, "r-right. And Kaachan?"
"I'll fucking cope." Replied the blond. I've been doing it since April.
"Great..." Izuku looked around as he thought about what to say. "Right, lets go to your rooms so I can work out what you should wear to fit in, then I'll go cook everyone dinner, and we'll pretend it's a completely normal school night. Then, meet in the hall, 11:00 pm?"
Shinsou smirked, "sounds like a plan."

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