Chapter 152: Last Bows

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*takes a shaking nervous breath*
Right, last chapter.
*prays they like it*
Let's go.


Izuku watched Iida leave before raising his gaze to Hitoshi's.
The tired teen looked annoyed about something. Izuku smiled guiltily. He could have said no to members of 1A...he could. But he kinda knew where they were coming from, and it had been fun to dance with them all.

Hitoshi huffed, brushing his indigo bangs out his eyes and watching him.
"I know you too well to think that was intentional." He muttered.
Izuku tilted his head in confusion but before he could ask, a slender hand was at his waist, pulling him close and sending a shiver up his spine at the possessiveness as Hitoshi took his other hand, closing the gap between their bodies as the orchestra started up again.

Izuku's body felt live wired to every movement Hitoshi made. Every touch, every shift in balance, every turn. Though only in the turns did his gaze leave those beautiful deep purple eyes. He was held by them, so lost in the warmth of them that he wasn't even aware of the music they were dancing to any more.

The hand at his waist moved tighter around him and suddenly Hitoshi was lifting him. He gasped slightly as the taller teen held and spun him with ease, setting him down gently before embracing and leading him again.
"Toshi...where did you learn to dance like this?" He whispered as the taller teen led them in a grand circle around the other dancers, though at this point Izuku wasn't even aware there was anyone else there.
Hitoshi smiled playfully at him, "Mum told me I should. I think I owe her big time."
Izuku chuckled, the music and chatter of the hall suddenly returning as he pulled his eyes away from Hitoshi's, "I- I think this is the best moment of my life..."

A hand let go of his own and found his cheek, and the next thing he knew they were kissing.
He didn't know if the dance was over, he didn't know if this was a thing you were supposed to do at an Empresses' birthday party, he didn't care that there were reporters with cameras around.

He just revelled in the feeling, the swelling in his chest, the continuous waves of energy washing over his body, as he was held and kissed so gently, yet so hungrily. He was grateful for the hand still at his waist, he was only a few seconds off of melting onto the floor when Hitoshi finally pulled away, and Shoto loomed behind him, wearing an expression of open anticipation that made Izuku want to laugh.

He felt saturated with happiness, and though, a part of him would always find that frightening, always want to pull back, he had resolved to ignore it. He'd learned to trust again, and having that confidence that he was loved, was the best feeling.

He relaxed with complete faith in Shoto's arms, and knew the bicoloured teen recognised the change in him, could see in his eyes that he'd let go.
He was swept around the room again, though he barely noticed, just memorised the expression on his prince-like boyfriend's face, the love there.
"I will love you until death do us part." Whispered Shoto softly, then frowned slightly, "even if Hitoshi makes me wait a few years before making it official."
A rise in the music brought their faces closer and Izuku brought them close enough for their lips to brush, "Until death do us part then, Hiniyuki Shoto, I will love you too."

When he moved to pull away, Shoto moved with him, snatching his kiss, slow and earnest. He was crying Izuku realised after his brain restarted a few minutes later. Shoto was crying.
The bicoloured teen did mentally shake himself, smiling widely as they swerved to avoid a rather disapproving middle aged couple. "I would have waited decades to hear that."
Izuku stumbled a little, and was worried he'd cry too, "I'm glad you didn't have to."
Shoto shrugged, "I get to kiss you more this way I suppose. But being near you was still pretty good. If you want pull back until you're confident...that's okay."
"Oh Sho..." Izuku cupped his cheek as they spun, "the fact that you can say that, is how I know I don't have to."

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