Chapter 98: Read the rooms

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My dorm plan above, done over the original, because laziness exists. Very much a deliberate plan, boys because of protective dadzawa, girls because it quietly pisses me off that the original tried to pretend there isn't a painful gender imbalance with 6 girls and 14 boys. The imbalance itself doesn't bother me much, but trying to hide it does.
Yes I typed Todoroki instead of Hiniyuki. I was probably sleep deprived.


After Satou had cooked everyone else some simple chicken and rice number, Kaminari and Ashido resolved to tour everyone's rooms, doing the boys first.
They started from the top floor and worked down.

That meant they started at Bakugou's room.
"NO WAY IN HELL PINKIE!" Yelled the man himself.
"YES WAY IN HELL BLONDIE!" Yelled Ashido, trying to push past him, ignoring the sparks dancing threateningly in his palms.
The blond was just about to roar again, when a light voice, accompanied by playful green eyes, said, "don't mind me," and Izuku slipped past them easily, opening the door into the room.

Bakugou's room was...pretty cool really.
He had some weights in a corner, a small book shelf with textbooks mostly, a bean bag which was unexpected, and a surprisingly calming colour scheme in mostly greens. Pinned to the board above his desk though was an old picture and at the sight of it, Izuku froze.

"Kaachan? Is this us?"
The blond swallowed nervously as the reason he'd been so reluctant was brought to the attention of everyone curiously peering around the room.
The photograph was of them at four, giggling together in their favourite sand pit, little Bakugou's arms embracing the little Izuku.
"Oh my god Izuku, you're so cute!" Exclaimed Hagakure, "your eyes are so huge and round and sparkly!"

The group crowded around the picture oohing and aahing, and in the midst of the outcry, Izuku's eyes met Bakugou's, with unexpected fragility and longing, and though the greenette had never told him, the blond suddenly linked a strange observation he'd made of Izuku's room with a few things the teen had said. He moved past Kirishima, and leaned down to whisper softly to his childhood friend.
"I've a few other pictures, if you'd like me to make copies for you Deku?"
The shorter teen shook slightly, before smiling at him, his voice breaking a little as he replied. "Y-yeah, I'd appreciate it Kaachan."

"ONWARD MARCH!" Yelled Ashido, bringing the pair back, presumably the class having drunk their fill of Bakugou's dorm room.
Bakugou's neighbour, Kirishima, scratched his neck bashfully, "okay, but you might not really get it..."
"Manly?" Asked Izuku, smirking slightly.
The redhead flushed, but beamed brightly as he swing open the door.

The room was amazing.
Red curtains with fire printed on them, a punching bag, a print of Hokusai's 'Under the Wave off Kanagawa', and more posters and weights than the teen had lived months. He had a western bed with an army camouflage duvet cover, and even had a clock with muscular arms which were flexing. It was spectacular, and terrifying simultaneously.
There was awed silence, then Hagakure spoke up thoughtfully, "I think this would rank second in the room you'd least want your boyfriend to have!" (Canon line)
"Mmn!" Agreed Ashido cheerfully, and Kirishima drooped a little as Ojiro paled, realising his girlfriend would be judging his room.

"I like it." Said Izuku calmly, eyeing the posters with genuine interest, "some of these must have been really hard to get, they're collectibles. And I'm never seen a clock with muscles..."
Kirishima brightened up under the greenette's praise.
Bakugou tched, "not as shitty as I expected Kirishima."
"Wow. I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!" The redhead beamed, and clenched his fist as a few manly tears escaped his eyes. Bakugou tried to emotionally prepare for giving his friend a decent complement some time soon, he never wanted to hear a statement as depressing as that again.

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