Once the Pussycats had taken care of Magne and Spinner, Izuku felt confident that he could leave them to hold the fort.
Keeping close track on all his friends, he first made his way to find Twice. He didn't have the time to talk or reason with the villain so he just knocked him out with Midnight's quirk and hid him in a hedge fifty metres away from where Aoyama was hidden. He should probably help the teen with that.Using Hawk's quirk, he flew to hover above Shouji who was sprinting toward the camp, and, using an illusion quirk to make it look like the glow from the main building was coming slightly more to the left, subtly redirected him in toward Aoyama. The teen was too focused to notice him in the dark above them, and that was just how he wanted it.
He caught sight of a giant Dark Shadow in the distance, but he was sure the pair would be fine.
Instead he flew to the location of Muscular.
He was still several hundred metres out of being a problem, but stopping him would mean he had one less person to keep track of.
Settling in an oak tree, he contemplated the human sludge below him. He could knock him out like Twice. But this guy deserved worse. Problem was Izuku was kinda in a hurry...A smile widened on his face. He had that quirk, didn't he?
Deactivating his wings, he hopped off his branch, landing gracefully a few metres behind Muscular."Hiya handsome." He called, and the villain turned to look at him.
The blond man smirked, "all alone?"
"I came to your base alone."
"But my boss isn't glaring at me here...are you really that confident about another face to face?"
"Face to face?" Izuku chuckled, "last time we met I'm pretty sure it wasn't my face you had your eyes on."
He shifted his hips minutely. He just needed to touch the man for 20 seconds. That was all the quirk needed, and even if he deactivated Muscular's quirk, he wouldn't get that much prolonged skin contact in a fight. It also wouldn't be as effective when the target had high adrenaline."What are you suggesting?" Asked the villain, tone dangerously level.
The greenette shrugged, "only that every moment we were in the same room, you spent most your time memorising the curves of my ass."
In one swift - by the villain's standard - movement, muscular had closed the distance and was lifting and holding Izuku against a tree by his thighs, which he squeezed.Izuku forced himself to release a little moan, he'd faked such noises plenty of times, so it wasn't a struggle to pretend interest. He carefully traced his hands up the man's chest until his fingertips met collar bones, and activated the quirk he had in mind, and counted down.
Muscular leant down, and gave him a violent kiss, rutting their hips together as he did so. Izuku let him, and hated the fact taking the bastard's quirk would blow the cover he still needed. Until he was sure he was the strongest out there, he couldn't risk anyone knowing how he took quirks who he didn't completely trust. It was just too dangerous.
Muscle Augmentation
Take Copy Leave16, 15, 14...
Hands shifted up his thighs to feel his ass.
11, 10, 9...
Disgusting sloppy kisses traced down his neck.
6, 5, 4...
A bite at the point where his shoulder met his neck.
3, 2, 1...Muscular screamed. Dropping Izuku - who easily landed on his feet, the villain paced backward, tripped on a root and falling, continuing to shin backward sobbing in fear.
Izuku smirked and wondered what he was seeing, eyes dipping momentarily, he noted the bastard had pissed his pants.Eventually the villain's back met a tree and he recoiled from that too, and curled in on himself, shaking and whimpering.
The quirk was called nightmare, and it required a 20 second period of skin to skin contact before it could take effect, and when it did... there was a reason Izuku had never really intended to use the quirk, it pleased his sadistic side way too much.

The Emerald Prince
FanfictionAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...