Chapter 90: Eri

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I know in canon Eri is virtually mute at first...but this just... this felt better.

I HIT 2K so have a double update! I won't assume you guys don't know what this means to me, but just take it as I usually have strong Aizawa vibes, and right now I'm filled with Kirishima level energy!


The child in front of Izuku looked dead into the greenette's warm expression with big red eyes. "Are you an angel?"
Her voice was light but throaty with lack of use.

Valid question thought Bakugou though he remained quiet; the kid seemed jumpy, and despite Best Jeanist's efforts, he was still shit with children.

Izuku smiled his gentle, inviting, tell-me-all-your-secrets-and-I'll-take-care-of-you smile, "Do you need one?"
She nodded shyly. "I'm cursed, mummy said that only angels can take away curses."
Izuku raised a hand to brush the silver hair from her face.
She flinched away from his hand, but he forged on, keeping his palm raised upward in a non-threatening way.

"Your curse can't hurt me." His eyes glowed softly, and he stroked her cheek after tucking the hair loosely behind the horn on her forehead.
Big eyes widened at the touch, leaning in slightly, which made Izuku smile. He continued gently carding his hands through her greasy silver grey hair as he spoke.
"Would you like me to take away your curse?"

Her brows furrowed. "Only angels can do that though."
Izuku's lips twitched a little at the answer, she was a smart kid.
He closed his eyes and entered menu, scrolling down to the quirk fierce wings and activating it. Large dark emerald wings grew from his back, each 2 metres in length and half a metre at the widest, and Bakugou almost fell over in surprise.

The girl's eyes went impossibly round, and her hands tentatively reached out. Izuku was overjoyed to see her curiosity, she was stronger than he was to have kept it at her age, if she'd been through what he thought she had.
Slowly so as not to startle her, he bought his wings forward, so they brushed her fingers, chuckling a little as she gained confidence and stroked the long green feathers, lips parted in awe.

"If you kiss me on my forehead, I'll take away your curse?" Said Izuku kindly, once her eyes flickered back to his.
"Will you take me away from the bad man too?" She asked hesitantly, glancing nervously into the shadows.
Izuku nodded immediately, though Bakugou wasn't so sure that was possible - that said... if anyone could kidnap a child and get away with it, it would be Izuku.

The girl tottered forward a few steps and leaned in shyly, touching her lips to his forehead and bouncing back like she thought his skin would burn her.
Izuku's eyes glowed, and her own widened slightly, she raised one small hand to feel her forehead, eyes lighting up just like Izuku's could when she felt the horn's absence.

"You took my curse away..." she whispered, staring at Izuku, her gaze almost worshipful.
"What's your name?" Said the greenette gently, returning his hand to stroke her hair softly.

She chewed her lip a little in thought, then raised her gaze suspiciously to Katsuki.
"Who's he?"
Izuku chuckled, "he's a fallen angel, but the good kind, I trust him?"
She paused again to think it over and then answered softly.
"I'm Eri, and I think I'm six years old!"

Bakugou's heart cracked, but it was nothing compared to Izuku's reply.
The greenette smiled sweetly and offered his hand to the girl.
"Hi Eri, I'm Izuku and I think I'm sixteen years old!"

She took his hand, but at some sound or something that Bakugou didn't register, both Izuku and Eri froze at the same time. Eri turned to look into the shadows, staggering backward and whimpering slightly. Izuku immediately brought an arm around the six year old, holding her close to his chest and lifting her easily, rising to his feet.

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