Chapter 105: The Tiger and His Cub

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I hit 800K!! Feeling my gratitude with this extra and (at least to me) pretty funny chapter!

Aizawa has let go of a lot of shit, but his son has been hurt.


Aizawa put coffee in his coffee. Then added a little more to be sure it was enough to revive the dead.
The brown haired teenage barista who was on her first day of work, watched with mixed terror and admiration, as the man downed a coffee so strong, the foam had literally formed a skull and cross bones, before standing without the slightest shift in expression, handing her 500¥ and leaving.

He had a very long day ahead.
But his first job lay behind the doorway of a misleadingly pleasant looking terraced house.
He pressed the doorbell and wished he'd had another coffee.

The door opened to a tired looking, starkly dressed Touya, the pair blinked at each other, and Aizawa found his protective instincts rise up several more notches, and he thought he'd hit the limit when a bastard attempted to strangle his son.
"Oh Aizaw-Aaargh!" Said Touya, yelling in pain mid greeting as the teacher grabbed him by the ear and pushed past him, dragging the ex-villain into the house and up the stairs.

Aizawa kicked down the bedroom door to see Keigo in boxers and one sock, hurriedly in the process of battling a T-shirt. He shoved Touya into Keigo and the pair fell onto the bed.
He stood above them, a black aura emanating from him as he glared down at the terrified men.
Pulling his sleeping bag out from thin air, he reached in and removed a chainsaw.
"Hawks. You're cheating on my son. How would you like to die?"


Hitoshi woke blearily, used to about 3 hours per night, he'd been brought back into the world of the living much earlier than his companion.
Looking around the room, he jumped when he saw Izuku on the bed, working on one of his note books.
The greenette was on his stomach, legs waving back and forth as he worked, biting his lip in focus. He was wearing an over sized jumper and jogging pants, hair up in an untidy bun excepting a few curly locks that framed his face. His eyes were stormy, and Hitoshi noted with sadness, that they were once again red rimmed.

He stood, and carefully made his presence known before speaking.
"Izuku?" He asked softly as he made his way over to the bed.
"Toshi." Stated Izuku softly, "sleep okay?"
He sat down beside the greenette and noted how he shifted a little toward him, before pulling away. "I did..." mustering his courage he shuffled across the bed to sit beside Izuku and opened his arms tentatively. "Like a hug? You look like you've had a long day pretending to be alright."
"Thanks." Whispered Izuku, and his eyes started to shine with new tears as he climbed into Hitoshi's lap.

Hitoshi put his arms around the greenette just like Shoto had, and held him close. He suddenly understood Amajiki's behaviour back in the kitchen. How calming it was to feel that Izuku really was there. Feel his heart beat, smell his hair, hear him breathe...

"I offered him my body, Toshi." Whispered Izuku. "I could have traded myself for him. I could have used your quirk to make Compress release Kacchan. I could have beaten him into submission. I could have knocked him unconscious and brought both him, and the marble back to the camp for qualified adults to deal with. I could have done any of those things and more, yet none of them occurred to me, and I removed my clothes and invited him to have sex with me instead."

Hitoshi held him closer, and met Shoto's shocked heterochromic eyes from across the room. But neither spoke.
Izuku continued unawares. "I'm disgusting. I'm weak. I'm a whore. I'm just as worthless as she said I was." His voice cracked and he burst into tears.

Hitoshi's heart broke as he listened to those retched sobs. And then he realised it.

"Be there, always. And one day, when it feels right, you'll know when, you'll be hugging, and you kiss him. And promise me, no matter his reaction - you don't leave. Never abandon him, if you can."

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