God I had to make a difficult decision in this chapter. I hope I made the right one.
Please don't hassle me over it!———
"That was amazing! The size of the training centre and the weapon quality was almost worth joining the league for!!"
Shigaraki couldn't help but smile as he watched Izuku literally bounce up the corridor. It might have taken beating Spinner on the training grounds, or managing to make Mustard laugh, or perhaps Magne's surprise when the greenette politely asked for her pronouns...but finally Izuku had started to relax and enjoy himself, and though Shigaraki was unsure why, Izuku's feelings and opinions mattered to him.
Then he realised they were approaching the final destination, and he felt a twist in his gut. When he opened the door however, he was not expecting Izuku to gasp in disgust and yell at the top of his voice: "KUROGIRI-SAN I NEED YOU!"
Kurogiri immediately appeared, and Izuku smiled sweetly at him.
"As the sensible person here who kept that bar spotless, I'm guessing you know where the vacuum cleaner is? I'd poke around myself, but I'm still a hero student, I don't need the temptation."
In spite of his master's immediate protestations, the supposedly loyal Nomu vanished, returning within seconds to give the greenette a variety of cleaning supplies, and leaving with a bow to Shigaraki but no apology."What are you doing!" He exclaimed as Izuku strode inside his room.
Izuku sent him a terrifying glare. "It's a mess! I will not have you living in such terrible conditions!"
"I know where everything is!" He whined.
Izuku only snorted, leaping forward and beginning a rough sort of the room, ignoring the mixed insults and complaints sent his way.
"I won't come here again, if you don't let me tidy this room!"
Tomura growled but went to a corner and sulked.
Izuku eyed the supplies and grinned. He'd been single handedly cleaning a two bedroom house for nearly a decade, this was nothing.———
Eventually Shigaraki's room was spotless.
The hoodies were on hangers, the shirts in draws, the games stacked on shelves by genre, and then by alphabetical order, the collection of hands he wore in his villains costume set out neatly on the side table.The man himself didn't realise how much he was dreading this point until the moment arrived and Izuku returned the cleaning supplies to Kurogiri, closed the door and turned to look at him. He felt slightly pathetic slouched in the corner of the room so straightened out and moved away from the wall... though not actually toward Izuku.
The greenette watched him steadily with those bright green eyes, expression giving away little of how he felt about the sudden tension. "What would you like to do, Tomura?" He asked.
Shigaraki swallowed, answering without thinking. "I.. I don't know."He shouldn't be admitting weakness like this... being honest... no one was ever worthy of trust, he was always betrayed and yet, somehow, inexplicably, he just knew he could trust this green haired weirdo. He was sure of it. There was something disarming about him, like you could surrender everything you had to him, and just know he'd take care of you...
Izuku hesitated before slowly making his way across the room, stopping a metre from Shigaraki as he spoke again. "What would you like me to do, Tomura?"
The answer came quicker this time, he felt embarrassed by it, but unsure why. "Touch me."
If Izuku felt reluctant or repulsed he didn't show it though, and for some reason, Shigaraki doubted he did. He watched in mixed fear and anticipation as the teen gently raised his hands to cup his cheeks, running his soft fingers over the scarred skin under his eyes.

The Emerald Prince
FanficAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...