Chapter 37: Competition

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Todoroki woke up to the sounds and smells of frying bacon.

Can I stay here forever?

He hurriedly changed and headed downstairs to find Aizawa slumped at the table, and Izuku cooking and humming happily to a song on the radio.

"Morning Shoto!" He called when he spied the bicoloured teen, smiling brightly.

Todoroki set himself down opposite the human caterpillar, who looked at him seriously.
"Would you be able to come down to the station with me tomorrow?" the teacher asked quietly.

He'd almost forgotten about that.
Todoroki nodded hesitantly but before he could begin brooding, a plate piled high with steaming loveliness was placed before him, and Izuku headed back over to the grill.

"I'm marrying him." Todoroki whispered.

"Not without my consent you aren't." Growled Aizawa threateningly, making him jump.

"O-of course, sir."

While Todoroki was recovering from Aizawa's rapid transformation from stern but caring teacher to an intimidating and over-protective future father in law, Izuku was busy cooking for himself and the incoming Shinsou.

The doorbell went, and he grinned at the tense pair at the table.
"It's Toshi!"

Then the greenette, apron flying, disappeared out of the kitchen.

Todoroki stared in confusion at Aizawa, who smirked.
"It's your competition, Todoroki."

Izuku came back in, dragging a laughing Shinsou behind him by the hand. He deposited the teen next to Todoroki and hurried back to rescue the bacon from over cooking.

The duo eyed each other.
"Good morning."

Aizawa watched the pair in faint amusement, half hoping Bakugou would pay a surprise visit so the hunger games could begin, and half wanting to hire bodyguards to protect his angel from these damn hormonal teenagers.

The tension in the atmosphere steadily increased until Aizawa was forced to accept if he stayed any longer, he'd be too late to work, and left.
The boys all watched him go with a little relief.

Izuku dumped the last of the bacon onto the duo's plates and settled down to clean his own.
"So, training? Shoto, I'm sure you saw how good Toshi's gotten in combat!"
"I did." Was the kurt response.
Izuku glanced from one to the other. They seemed tense, which was odd, considering the Sports Festival was over. He hoped Aizawa hadn't said something unnecessary.

Perhaps they were nervous about asking him questions?

That made sense.
He was terrified of answering them, he doubted he'd be able to keep control of himself. For now though, he could convince them he was okay, and maybe they'd relax a little.

Izuku looked away from them again, and Shinsou glared at Todoroki, the bicoloured male not complete sure why, but giving as good as he got. A movement caught their peripheral vision and they hastily turned back to their food as the greenette looked from one to the other with faint confusion.

There was an awkward pause, and then Izuku seemed to shake it off.
"Ready to train?"


Todoroki admired the underground gym, though it didn't compare to Endeavour's facilities... It was nice. He'd be able to use his quirk pretty fully here too.

He joined Shinsou and Izuku as they warmed up, but kept getting distracted by how damn flexible the greenette was. Izuku had changed into loose pants and a crop top, similar to his hero outfit, and was doing some truly terrifying stretches.

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