This chapter is early in order to celebrate Pansexual Pride Day!!! Hope all you beautiful pan people have a fabulous day and eat a bunch of pan-cakes!——— < Enjoy the chapter darlin's! It's got a surprise!)
When Izuku and Shoto eventually escaped the questions to get back to the Aizawa household, the trio - and Eri as director - unloaded and installed everything into the spare room.
Eri's arrival meant a sleeping reshuffle, since for the present she wouldn't sleep without being in Izuku's arms, he would be moving in with her, and Touya and Shoto would be together in Izuku's room, for their last night before moving in to their new home.The greenette hummed happily. Eri had actually detached from him at this point, to rearrange plushies to her satisfaction, leaving him to put up shelves with Aizawa.
He eyed the older man wearily, "you are looking both happier and more exhausted."
Aizawa blinked at him. "I don't look that bad right?"Oh... Yamada.
"You know..." Izuku smiled slightly, "if I upgraded your quirk, it would probably get rid of the dry eye side effect?"
There was a pause, as they finally heaved the futon up the stairs and plugged in the night lamp."...Alright."
The greenette resisted the urge to snort. He'd tried 'you'll be able to fight villains better', yet 'looking nicer for his boyfriend' is what convinces him.Aizawa kissed his forehead and Izuku took his quirk.
He'd discovered thanks to RG, that once a copy was fused, he could copy a quirk again, and since Antiquirk contained the original copy from Aizawa, the words returned to his vision.He'd also discovered that the duration of unconsciousness reduced with each fusion, since starting UA he'd done usually one fusion per night, and had got it down to six hours.
He'd taken far less time with Shinsou and Shotos' upgrades than with Bakugou. It scared him. The unconsciousness during upgrading gave him dreamless sleep, and going without it terrified him. With Eri around, he didn't have Shoto either.He dressed Eri in a nightie, and changed into full pyjamas. The pair said goodnight to the Hiniyukis and Aizawa; the teacher melting slightly when Eri hesitantly said, 'goodnight dada'.
Then they curled up together on the futon, and Izuku brought out his wings - since they reassured her - and when she fell asleep, he started Aizawa's upgrade.———
Name: Erasure (upgraded)
Ability: Able to deactivate quirks of multiple opponents. Deactivation can only begin on viewing opponent, though continuous observation is unnecessary - deactivation initiated at will by user. Maximum opponents effected at once: three, Maximum duration of deactivation: 5 minutes - both can be increased with training.
Side effects: None
Drawbacks: NoneHe smiled, checking Eri was still quiet before closing his eyes again. This upgrade had only taken five and a half hours, his quirk was getting stronger.
He woke up certain he'd heard something. First he checked to find Eri still out of it. He bet she probably had years of sleepless nights to catch up on, and the thought made him feel angry again. Once Eri could handle sleeping without him for a night... that bastard would be brought into the police, sure, but he doubted they'd mind if the cargo was a little damaged in transit.
Next he checked radar, and forced his body to relax as the cool of a blade met his throat.
"Hey Himiko, how are you?"
Causally hiding what could be seen of Eri from view he turned to look at her, appearing as confident as he could. He met a crazed expression.
"I... I wanna see your blood Izu..." she whispered, eyes dilated and drooling a little.

The Emerald Prince
FanfictionAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...