Chapter 61: A Dangerous Crowd

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Above is an edit not original work because I'm lazy mostly.


"Where are you going, Izuku?" Asked Todoroki curiously, watching as his friend/future husband bustle about his room, shoving things into a small satchel, one of which almost certainly looked like a pocket sized semi-automatic pistol...
Izuku smiled up at him. "One of my old instructors is hosting a small tournament and invited me!"

The bicoloured male paused in thought, oblivious to Izuku's nervous gaze, as he thought over the excuse before shrugging. Shooting instructors probably existed.
"Okay. Be careful."
The greenette's face clouded a little, at Todoroki's earnest expression, but he gritted his teeth and smiled, "careful is my middle name!"
The traditionally raised Todoroki blinked in confusion, "middle name?"
Izuku chuckled, moving over to the teen in the doorway, bag in hand. "It's a western thing. I'll be very careful Shoto."

He waved , before bouncing downstairs, and meeting his father in the hallway. They were driving to a park 45 minutes away, to make sure the villains couldn't trace the hero's address.

As they walked down the path to a more private area of the park, Aizawa spoke up.
"So what are you going to do?"
He was trying to remain calm and not drag Izuku back to the car, and to the safety of their house instead of letting his son walk into the base of the damn League of Villains.

The greenette didn't seem to understand the stress he was under, still clearly unable to believe someone could care about him much – an ingrained belief that drove the underground hero mad but that could only be fixed through time and love, both of which he was willing to give.

"Dad, I'll be-" he caught Aizawa's glare, "fine! I text you on the hour every hour, mentioning one of the cats in each one so you know it's me. And I'll be back here before 6:00 or you'll ban me from coffee and give me a curfew for the next month."
Aizawa sighed. "Good. Be careful."
"Why does everyone think I am so reckless!" Exclaimed Izuku.
The teacher crossed his arms. "Where are you going?"
"...The league of villains..."
"What back up do you have?"
"Plot armour?"

Izuku pouted slightly and opened up his phone to text Kurogiri. A few moments later a smoky purple portal grew a few metres to his left. He walked toward it, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him, he turned only to be pulled into a hug.
"Come back. Before six or I swear to god..."

Izuku shook slightly in the warm embrace of his father, but forced himself to pull away and smile brightly, or else he might have burst into tears. He owed this man so much... too much and yet he kept on supporting Izuku, and breaking down his walls...
"I'm always punctual!" He joked in an attempt to lighten the mood, before his tone dropped to a more serious one, "see you soon dad."
"See ya Izu."

He stepped through the portal, and the first thing to hit him were the smells.
Cigarette smoke, alcohol fumes and wood polish. He opened his eyes and took in his surroundings. It seemed to be an abandoned pub, though clearly cared for and well equipped. The place was dingy but the lighting new and deliberately set low. The bar top looked old but was exquisitely cared for, and though the sofa had a few burns and tears, it was fairly new, and deliberately distressed.
He could see Tomura's gaming obsession ingrained in every aspect of the place. It was such a stereotypically villainous lair from a computer game that it could be considered artwork.

Moving his eyes from the setting to the characters, he found a few new faces among familiar.

Dabi was there, leaning against the wall by one of the doors looking angsty in his I'm sexy but have a troubled past trench coat and boots. Izuku resisted an urge to laugh, the guy had been five minutes off of crying in his arms yesterday, yet here he was practically blanking Izuku.

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