Chapter 4: A Chance Meeting

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This sounds slightly paedophile-y but I couldn't phrase it any better, so sorry bout that. It is very much a budding father son relationship I swear.
(How exactly are a 30 odd man and a teenager supposed to become acquainted in any non-dodgy way outside teaching... I have no idea)


Aizawa was not particularly in the mood to deal with anyone when his shift finally came to an end at 6:30 am. He knew immediately though, that the kid training in the park was worth talking to.

It was quickly apparent that this kid had trained a lot in physical combat, and in Aizawa's experience... that made him very unique. It was very rare, even among many adult heroes to thoroughly train in traditional combat techniques.

If your quirk didn't suit hero work, you didn't do it. If your quirk was long range, you had no need to fight. If it was short range, it was rare such training could be thought necessary, either you'd beat an opponent, or you'd hold out until someone with a more suited quirk was called in and did. Superpowers made people lazy like that.

This kid could move at incredibly high speeds and he regularly practised exercises from a range of fighting styles. Most would consider it completely unnecessary. Aizawa thought it marked this kid out as very interesting.
What happened next proved him even more so.

The kid stopped his exercise, then seemed to pause before turning to look at him. Aizawa wasn't the type of person you sensed unless he wanted you to. He had incredible control of his presence, and he'd been in full observation mode, yet, whilst focused on his training, the kid had sensed him. Surprised at being caught but with too much style to show it, Aizawa confidently approached the teen.

"Nice to meet you, Eraserhead." he said calmly.
"How did you know, kid?" Aizawa asked more out of reflex than anything, barely anyone could identify him without the costume.
"I'm a fan of your work, sir, plus, the scarf."

Aizawa smiled a little at that, the scarf was a bit of a give away, but he wouldn't go without it.
"You're a smart one."
"Thank you." The teen smiled, but Aizawa could tell it was forced.

"That said, could you tell me, why do you train in combat techniques?"
The kid paused for thought, giving Aizawa an evaluative glance.
"I was a late bloomer. I trained in combat originally thinking I was quirkless. The quirk I eventually discovered is kinda like yours, it won't physically help me. Besides, in a world where quirks like yours exist, knowing how to rely on your own strength makes sense, don't you think?"
The boy tilted his head as he finished.

There was something about him... Aizawa couldn't put his finger on it. But he had a good feeling. Anyone would had lived like they were quirkless, made good heroes, they were generally cautious not reckless, clever not vain.
Considering physically he had no greater advantage than any quirkless person, he could appreciate this. Which was why he found himself offering to train the kid.

"I do. What is your quirk?"
Izuku happily explained Antiquirk and Aizawa was astounded by how powerful it was. This guy was going to be famous if he chose to be a hero, the number of occasions that could have proved invaluable...

"Perhaps you would like to spar with me sometime." He said before he could stop himself.
Finally the kid broke character. His eyes shone with excitement, gleaming like emeralds.
"THAT WOULD BE- sorry, that would be amazing, sir."

Inspite of himself, Aizawa chuckled more with relief than anything, the teen's eyes were practically starry.
"It's okay to show your age you know, how old are you anyway? Sixteen? Seventeen? Which hero school do you attend?"

"Oh." Izuku paused to think. Though his instincts told him to trust Aizawa, he decided to be careful for now. Truth, but not all of it. "I'm actually fifteen, nearly finishing junior high."

Aizawa smiled again inspite of himself. This is one I might actually enjoy teaching.
"Huh, you behave much older than you are. What high schools are you considering? I'm guessing you do want to be a hero?"

Izuku smiled bashfully, his eyes drifting to look at him hands.
"I think so, hopefully I'm cut out for it. I've always dreamt of UA, but that school is highly competitive and I want to properly look into the other options as well. Plus their entrance exams are known to favour physical combatants."
Izuku looked up at him, and realisation flickered across his features.
"Eraserhead, haven't you just finished your shift? Surely you want to go home and sleep?"

Aizawa found himself liking this kid more and more. Critical of himself, and analytical. Aware of others. Plus he has an useful quirk.
"Call me Aizawa. I'm actually a teacher at UA, I can sleep there, for now you've caught my interest."

It was now that the most important danger hit Izuku. Eraserhead's ability! He had no idea how it would affect his. He...kinda wanted it too so he could feel what having his quirk erased felt like...but still. This guy could reveal his abilities... But...this was such a big opportunity.
"Thank you! Why can you sleep there? Don't you have to teach?"

Aizawa grinned evilly, "I expelled my entire class, since they showed no potential."

Izuku's eyes rounded in admiration. "Wow. You're harsh. That's pretty cool. Sir?"
Izuku glanced away, embarrassed. "I don't know your quirks drawbacks... but I'd love it if... I could see if I can control your quirk, or whether yours nullifies mine first?"

Aizawa thought for a little, then grinned. "Well then, I suppose I don't mind, you've restored my faith in the next generation so it is a fair trade. Also that sounds like a challenge."
Aizawa gazed at Izuku, who tensed as the older man used his quirk.

Antiquirk has been deactivated by an external source.

Izuku had to resist the urge to laugh, though he did smile a little. It seemed Aizawa's ability would disengage the most recently used active quirk, the multiple passive ones he was currently utilising weren't affected. So Aizawa was unlikely to catch him out.

Also, he felt the quirk hit him, and knew with a little more training his quirk would be able to gain control of Aizawa's before it reached him.

"Why are you smiling?"

"With a little more training, I might be able to take control of your quirk in time." Izuku grinned.
Aizawa raised his eyebrows, releasing his quirk. "You're a weirdo, kid."
"Would you like to join me for coffee?" Asked the greenette with a shy smile, taking the hero's words as a compliment.
"I'd like a coffee," Aizawa wanted to get to know this kid and train him for
UA... but getting coffee with a fifteen year old... "but don't you have school to go to?"
Izuku hesitated. "I would be in the process of finishing junior high, but I finished a year early so I could focus on combat training and such."

Aizawa raised his eyebrow. This kid. Fuck it, being an underground hero had to have some perks.
"Impressive, then let's go, I'll buy my own coffee though."
"No complaints."

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