^...Welcome to the reason I avoid drawing full bodies like the plague. This illustration was done months before that of the previous chapter, and...yeah.
It's weird how quickly stuff you were proud of at the time turns into something that makes you wince to recall. Shows how quickly we grow and change I suppose.I apologise a little for this chapter. I think it shows my amateur-ness more than the others that I couldn't think of a better way to move past this plot hurdle. I also rewrote it so many times, it wouldn't surprise me if it makes no sense. Please be charitable.
Izuku wiped the sleep from his eyes before pouring his morning coffee. His phone screen lit up and eyeing it, he saw a group chat had been created with him, Kirishima, Sero and Tokoyami.
Kirishima: Hey Izuku, it's been a few weeks since the training camp...and we were wondering if you would explain...you know what you did? You promised you would and we didn't say anything about it. I've never lied to pro heroes before...
Sero: Me neither.
...There was a conspicuous pause where Tokoyami said nothing despite being online before the tape dispenser continued.
Sero: I'm also kinda dying of curiosity at this point dude.
The greenette's stomach dropped, and he gripped his mug tighter but he replied anyway.
Izuku: Sorry guys. You know the woods? Just past the Kamino ward at the edge of the city?
Tokoyami: I visit often to commune with the spirits.
Kirishima: I know it.
Sero: that's private property right?
Izuku: Yeah...There's a shrine there, could you guys meet me outside, at eleven? This is something easier to show than tell, and I want as few people to know was possible.
Sero: I'll be there.
Kirishima: I can do that.
Tokoyami: It shall be done.Izuku watched them each go offline before turning off his phone and plodding back up the stairs to his room, where he texted Bakugou and Shinsou, before waking Todoroki and dressing.
Now he thought about it, there was someone else who needed an explanation too.He changed into shorts and a fun T-shirt with the word 'socks' on it that had made him laugh so he bought it. As an after thought he grabbed one of Todoroki's hoodies and pulled it over the top, snuggling into the fabric.
Re-entering his room, he found Todoroki absent so he headed downstairs, finding the bicoloured teen talking to Shinsou in the hall. He smiled brightly at them, bouncing down the stairs to greet the pair. They were looking unfairly attractive as usual, Todoroki in a dark blue collared short sleeved shirt, and shorts whilst Shinsou wore a black bomber jacket over a grey T-shirt and ripped blue jeans.
"So more secret keepers?" Asked Shinsou, his voice light but his eyes searching for Izuku's true feelings in the short teen's body language.
Izuku sighed, "yeah, I owe them an explanation...I'm a bit worried though."
"Oh?" Todoroki blinked at him. "You don't trust them?"
Izuku smiled, "I do, with my life actually. But I don't think they are very good at lying under pressure."
Shinsou shrugged, "explain that then, keep back the high risk stuff, but make sure they know that you are."
Izuku nodded, grabbing his wallet, and following the taller teens out the house.———
The station was busy with people, but they managed to find a relatively empty carriage on the train toward Kamino.
Shinsou stretched, yawning. "Can't believe we're going back to school soon. Why do I feel like we haven't even had a holiday?"
"Because we went on a training camp and got attacked by villains?" Asked Izuku dryly without looking up from his phone, "not ready to return to diurnal life?"
Shinsou rolled his eyes, "I do sleep Izuku. And usually once every 24 hours."
The greenette narrowed his eyes, "how many hours since the last one?"
Shinsou scowled and Todoroki sighed, "I don't understand why you can't just close your eyes at nine, and just sleep for ten hours?"
Izuku and Shinsou both shared a look before turning to face him with slightly broken chuckles, "you wouldn't get it."

The Emerald Prince
ФанфикAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...