Chapter 147: To the stars

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Name: Double (upgraded)
Ability: User can create an exact duplicate of anything, living or not. If the clone is a person, that clone will possess their quirk and all their memories at the time of duplication. User only needs to see or touch an object to duplicated, and duplications are unlimited. Clones have same durability as the original.
Side effects: Unforseeable but probably bad.
Drawbacks: None.

Name: Overhaul (upgraded)
Ability: user is able to disassemble anything they see including living things, as well as reassemble it in any configuration they desire, gives full manipulation over matter.
Side Effects: *sighs*
Drawbacks: None

Izuku lay in bed, Shoto and Hitoshi asleep either side of him, and flicked through the menu between Double and Overhaul. He'd just woken up after fusing Double but was nervous. This would be his first time fusing upgraded quirks, and the possible outcomes was both frightening and incredibly exciting.
Shinsou shifted slightly in his sleep and Izuku leaned up to kiss his forehead reassuringly.
When the purple haired teen settled Izuku strengthened his resolve and fused them.


Name: Mind over Matter
Ability: Full control over the physical world, able to create, destroy and manipulate matter at all levels.
Side effects: I've no fucking clue.
Drawbacks: The human brain does not have the capacity to comprehend the universe....Oops.

The moment Izuku woke up he was in agony.
He could hear screaming in the distance, and with the way his throat was burning, it was probably him screaming, but he was barely aware as his brain tried and failed completely to grasp the vastness of the universe and contain awareness of every atom within that universe.

It hurt

It was too much, his insides felt like they were twisting and knotting, and with this quirk they might well be. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't control himself, he couldn't think as galaxies spun his mind in knots and black holes sucked at his sanity, quarks tearing at his brain tissue piece by piece.

He tried to focus on something. If he could just narrow it down a little he might be able to think but the constellations spun around so quickly, expanding outward with the universe, pulling his mind in a thousand different directions and all of them away, far away.
He was still screaming.

He didn't know for how long he was screaming before something caught his eye.
It was a star. One of the smallest and it was a deep, rich vermillion. It was the exact colour of Katsuki's eyes.
Forcibly distracted from the vastness of space, Izuku latched onto the star in his mind, and was distantly aware that he'd stopped screaming. He focused on the red star with all his strength, surprised when its orbit slowed, and then even more surprised when his surprise caused huge solar flares on its surface. He took steady breaths and the spin stabilised.

It was the colour of Kaachan's eyes. Not old Kaachan, the new one, the kind and gentle Kaachan who was terrified of himself if nothing else. Like Sho. Sho was also scared of himself.
As he thought about Shoto, the star seemed to warp and change, expanding and changing colour until it was a calm cyan to match Shoto's left eye. Izuku let out a breath as he gazed at the now supergiant, the colour reminding him of the loving gaze that was there after every nightmare, every panic attack.

He smiled slightly, distantly feeling his heart beat slow. Felt everything slow down around him too in his periphery. The orbits of every planet, star and galaxy moving at a speed he could follow.
He still knew the moment he pulled his focus way from the blue star, it would all fall out of control though. He didn't know how to get back.

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