As you may gather from the chapter illustration, beautiful creatures, this is not going to be sunshine and daisies.
#IzukuNeedsAHug #BakugouNeedsAHug #OnlyOneOfThemGetsAHug #EriIsLowkeyInspiredByLunaLovegood #ICan'tResistBiologyMetaphorsTRIGGER WARNING
Please, if this book has strongly emotionally affected you in anyway, please take my trigger warnings seriously. Really no shame in reading through the summary to prepare yourself first.———
Ruri had sent Aizawa in to fetch his daughter and the three teens who Izuku'd mentioned to her before on his few visits. The kid would need them.
"So, what state is he in?" She asked the man beside her. Shirakumo looked confused and she sighed in irritation. "Is he crying, muttering, stress cooking, or is he quiet?"
"...quiet." Replied the other.
She sighed angrily, "he was meant to be protected, he's earned a happily ever after worthy of fairytales. Yet this happens!"
"Please don't blame Shouta."
The man eyed her with a surprising amount of desperation. Ruri gave a small but reassuring smile. "This was no one's fault. But that doesn't change the fact Izuku is the last person to deserve this."
"I agree. I owe him my life."
"A lot of people do." She scanned the man curiously, but he only nodded.Aizawa returned carrying a silver haired girl on his hip, and with three nervous teens behind him. She eyed them critically, trying to guess who was who. The prince with the bicoloured hair who practically had daddy issues stamped on his forehead could only be Todoroki- no, Hiniyuki. The purple headed, walking definition of insomnia must be Shinsou, which left the trudging, hunched atomic blond that had to be Bakugou.
Izuku had described them quite well, she thought. Though clearly the three were very very in love with the greenette, looking at the state of them. Which obviously Izuku hadn't realised. He was terrible at knowing when people really loved him though, whatever kind of love.
She followed Aizawa through another portal, arriving in a small kitchen.
"Where are we?" Asked Shinsou. Sensible kid that.
"Seoul, South Korea." Replied Shirakumo nonchalantly. "It's a safe house..."
Alright, I'm not letting the portal guy out my sight. Thought Ruri firmly.
"Okay then." She sighed and was about to speak when a young man with pale blue hair half ran, half fell down the stairs."He's gone!" He yelled, gazing at Shirakumo in mixed fear and panic. "He caught me off guard and knocked me out! I just woke up and he isn't... what do we do!"
Oboro disappeared to search the house, only to find the front door open.
"FUCK!" He roared.
"No..." whispered Shoto brokenly.
Aizawa was desperately trying to pull himself together, and not kill Shigaraki.
Eri watched on with wide eyes."Roofs."
Bakugou spoke so quietly, if not for the tense silent atmosphere, none of them would have heard him over the rapid beating of their hearts.
"Katsuki?" Prompted Shinsou tersely.
"We need to look on the roofs. Especially school roofs. It's what I said... that last day in Junior High. I told him to take a swan dive of a roof and hope for a quirk in the next life."Bakugou looked so wretched none of them felt the need to hurt him further.
Aizawa took a steadying breath. "I'll go north, Shoto south, Katsuki east, Oboro west. We'll focus on roofs. Izuku hadn't eaten much, so Hitoshi and Shigaraki take the ground and check the nearby area. Ruri stay here with Eri. Oboro will portal you both to him if we find him. Maybe you'll be able to talk him down."Aizawa wanted to comfort Eri, who looked as distraught as he felt, but this was far more urgent so he led his students out the door, Shirakumo having already gone. The moment they cleared the doorway, Katsuki blasted away to his right, and Shoto had used his flames in a similar way to clear the house. Using his capture weapons, Aizawa swung himself onto the roof of the terraced house opposite, and ran faster than he'd ever run in his life.

The Emerald Prince
FanfictionAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...