Happy Pride Month!
Let's all stride with pride like the queens we are.
Even if you're straight, I don't care because we're all at least little gay.
Look into Shoto's eyes (^), he knows you are.———
Shoto couldn't seem to move his eyes away from Izuku.
Not that he was really trying.Izuku had gone for a waistcoat and no jacket, and Shoto wondered if he'd missed a memo. The waistcoat was very form fitting, his slim waist accentuated in every step of the waltz he danced with the Empress.
The back part of the waistcoat was extended imitating coat tails, and it was made of a shiny turquoise fabric Shoto couldn't identify. A shimmering, oceanic colour that brought out the colour of his eyes.The shirt beneath was a standard white, though it was the only part of the outfit that could be considered so. The centrepiece of his outfit was a thick pink ribbon tied in a loose bow at his collar, a little effeminate touch that was very Izuku. Underneath he wore slim black pants, which met black lace up boots at his mid calf.
His hair was loose, though braided out of his eyes with similar ribbons interwoven with plaits. He wore make up though, and that was where Shoto's reaction had come from. He'd seen Izuku in the heavy make up at clubs, but the greenette never wore it otherwise. But right now, he had soft light green eye shadow, and glitter on his cheek bones, with dark green eye liner sharp enough to cut diamonds making his emerald eyes pop.
That one moment their eyes met in the beginning was enough to stop Shoto's heart. The small part of his brain still working acknowledged maybe Izuku was a bit beyond a simple guy like him...having Hitoshi around was definitely wise, Shoto knew without someone else to share with he would probably die young. Not that he'd mind much. But he wanted to grow old with Izuku and he couldn't do that if he died young.
He was breathtaking and Shoto genuinely had to lean back against the wall due to dizziness, having not taken a breath since the greenette entered the room.
He tried to memorise the curves of Izuku's figure, the light playfulness of his movement, that teasing smile, and those sparkling eyes laughing at a joke he didn't know."Shit. We need to get those wedding rings fast." Muttered Shinsou from somewhere to his left. He nodded minutely, unable to speak.
He and Shinsou were in such shock, they didn't even notice the dance was finished until Izuku had already bowed and left the Empress to his next partner. They both lunged forward but were too late as Uraraka, sending them a smirk, asked Izuku for a dance.
Shoto had thought she was a friend. And ally even.
He'd never trust her again.He watched venomously as she danced with his Izuku, laughing at a joke he made, spinning in his arms in her stupid pink strapless dress with its dumb black edging that totally didn't look good especially with those awful black stiletto heels that she was disturbingly skilled at dancing in.
He stretched out with his left hand the moment the dance ended but only air brushed his fingertips as Ojiro swept Izuku out of his reach with another mischievous smirk.
Okay. If the ballroom ended up scorched or burned down entirely, would he be able to afford to pay the damages?
"Hey Izu, dance?" Asked Uraraka almost hurriedly, she was already guiding his hand to her waist before he even had a chance to answer.
"Sure? You okay Chako?"
She smirked playfully as he guided her back in to the centre of the ballroom to the sound of a lilting flute solo. "I'm very good Izuku! 'Miko asked me out!"
He grinned brightly, "she won't mind you dancing with me?"
Uraraka snorted, "no way. She loves you more than me."
Izuku spun her carefully, adjusting himself to her pace and guiding her gently through the twisting couples. "Doubt that, she wouldn't shut up after seeing you at the training camp. It was love at first sight, and I'm not surprised. That dress is stunning 'Chako."

The Emerald Prince
FanfictionAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...