Chapter 39: Honesty is the best policy

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"You're going to do something unnecessary and dangerous again aren't you?"

Izuku glanced at Aizawa, they were in his room packing, Todoroki occupied in his own room doing the same.
"I'm preventing something going terribly wrong." Izuku smiled confidently, "It is dangerous. But not for me."
Aizawa sighed. "I'm going to die prematurely stressing about you."
"When was the last quirkless fight you properly beat me in?" Asked Izuku, pushing a particularly rebellious shirt flat in the suitcase.
Aizawa scowled. "Go, you damn brat. But you and Iida better come back alive. Leave the paperwork to me."
"Thanks Dad!" Izuku left his bag and moved to his father's side, "How's work on the flaming shit going?"
Aizawa slumped back on the bed with grimace.
"It's tough when he throws money at everyone we try to talk to. As it is, Todoroki's word is the only reliable one we have. Though we can prove he's telling the's still morally difficult to jail a hero who saves dozens of lives and defeats villains daily."

"Hmmm," Izuku dug a space among the socks to stuff his hairbrush, "anything that can be done?"
"Not easily, Endeavour has everyone by the balls."
"Flaming pile of trash." Growled Izuku bitterly.
"Indeed." Sighed the teacher, absently stroking the tortoiseshell already settled on its favourite spot on the greenette's bed beside him.

"At least Shoto can stay here right?" Izuku couldn't quite hide his nervousness.
Aizawa nodded reassuringly. "Certainly, I'm working on getting his mother out of hospital too, hopefully we'll be able to transfer guardianship."
"Thanks, dad." Izuku nuzzled into Aizawa's chest a little, before pulling away to finish packing.

He'd never say it aloud, but he had been really looking forward to working with his dad this week. But Iida was going to die otherwise so Hosu it was.


"See you all! Tenya, shall we?" Izuku gestured to their platform and eyed the taller teen.
"Certainly!" Exclaimed Iida, complete with the gestures only someone with Izuku's observation skills would know were forced.

Bakugou, Shinsou and Todoroki watched them leave with mixed jealousy and trepidation, Uraraka with honest excitement for them and herself, and Yaoyorozu and Aoyama with curiosity - after all, neither of their choices made any sense.

But they all travelled their separate ways, Todoroki was to join Bakugou with Best Jeanist, they both had socialising issues to straighten out, whilst Shinsou would be working with Aizawa on patrols, as Izuku had originally planned to.


"I can't believe you are joining me, Izuku." Sighed Iida, trying to ignore just how close they were in the packed carriage.

Izuku smiled, deliberately leaning in a little to tease the guy. "I can't stop you seeking him I may as well be there to stop you getting killed, and hopefully make sure he kills no one else. We've a better shot at luring him out than the pros anyway."

"Sometimes you scare me, Izuku." Said Iida, though he wasn't sure if he meant the words or the fact they were almost chest to chest.

The greenette smirked, and leaned in just a little closer, "I'll take that as a compliment." He tilted his head in faint concern, "Tenya, are you feeling alright? You look very flushed."

If he'd been there, Dabi would have rolled his eyes, Izuku's sarcasm was laid on heavily. But it still completely flew over Iida's head. The taller teen blushed even more furiously and tried to make some space between them, only to find the compartment too cramped to allow it. "Not at all I-Izuku, it's just hot in here!"

The greenette just smiled innocently and watched his friend squirm. Teasing Iida was officially one of his new favourite pastimes.

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