Chapter 135: On Your Marks

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An owl flew into my window last night.
I live in a goddamn city. They supposedly have excellent night vision.
I'm thinking maybe my Hogwarts letter is late?


Aizawa and Izuku stood alone on the main High Street of the Kamino Ward.
The hero wore his usual outfit though at his son's insistence he wore a tight bun to hide quirk use. Izuku was wearing a grey trench coat and a second capture weapon in reassurance, his hair was down, hiding the com and mike hooked up to his right ear. They were side by side in the centre of the street, stood in silence as the clock approached 11:00 am.

Aizawa looked down to his left, and his heart clenched at the terror in his son's eyes.
"I'm scared, dad..."
He swallowed nervously, and gently took Izuku's hand in his, squeezing it slightly. "I'm here."
The greenette gave a wobbly smile, "been a long time since that phrase gave me reassurance."
The hero hummed, "it will be okay. You aren't alone, and she no longer has any power over you."
"I wish that was true..."

Aizawa was about to speak up when Izuku's grip on his hand tightened. He knew what that meant, even quirkless Izuku had better senses than he did. He looked up and his core shook.
Aizawa had very good instincts, he was expert at weighing up opponents, which is why he knew that the monster of a man approaching them was a person he could not win against.
The woman at his side strode forward with regal confidence, though unlike her son, her green eyes seemed toxic and rotten.

The man, All for One, had a broad muscular build. He wore a form fitting black suit, which did nothing to detract from his eyeless, molten face, or the mask/neck brace riddled with surgical tubing he wore.
His wife, whose killing intent toward him was matched only by his killing intent toward her, wore a tight fitting black knee length dress, it had pink edging and cuffs, and a royal neckline. Her hair was tied in a low side ponytail, a perversely motherly and conservative style at odds with the low neckline of her dress, and her cat-like gait.

Izuku was almost crushing his hand.
"I'm here." He repeated softly, though this time the grip didn't loosen up a bit.

"Hello Izuku," said All for One, stopping five metres away from them, his wife at his side, "been a while, son."
Izuku opened his mouth, but his eyes kept darting to Inko. Aizawa squeezed his son's hand firmly and the teen managed to gather himself a little.
"I am not your son." He muttered, making Aizawa's heart swell. He wanted to speak, but had promised himself not to unless Izuku was struggling, this was his son's battle not his, yet.
All for One chuckled, "oh but you are, with such a good quirk. You should have told your mother, it's important to tell the truth to your parents."

Aizawa expected Izuku to take that opportunity to tell them truthfully exactly what he thought of them, and Izuku's eyes had briefly blazed with determination...but it wasn't to last. Inko chose that moment to walk forward and Izuku immediately froze up.
"What's the matter sweetie?" She asked, her voice making Aizawa feel sick. "Did you not think you could tell me? We could have come live with you father much sooner if you were honest, sweetie."

Every time she called him sweetie Izuku flinched, Aizawa could see he was physically shaking.
He turned his attention to the woman who'd halted several paces away.
"As he said, All for One is not his father."
At his voice Izuku jumped slightly. As he'd guessed, the kid had forgotten he wasn't alone.

Inko sent him a look like he was a piece of dog shit on her shoe. "And you are?"
"Aizawa Shouta," answered All for One calmly, "Ironic how fate twists and turns. You recall Shirakumo Oboro? I thought you would, I accidentally killed him, my actual target was you. Such a powerful quirk...I've wanted it so long, and now my son leads you to me like a lamb for the slaughter."

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