This was really fun to write, I'm smiling like an idiot, because several people on here just keep reminding me how many beautiful people there are out in the world. It's a really great feeling,
I love you guys.
Now please don't comment on what I said (I'll be embarrassed) and just keep on reading for the spiciest Izuku sass yet!———
Izuku walked into the dull class 1A waiting room and scowled.
"What is with the tension in here?"Jirou spoke up, tilting her head at him.
"You do know how important the sports festival is right? What else would you expect? Besides, it's not like you've a quirk that'll be disadvantaged."The class watched as Izuku sat down, smiling slightly at her.
"Firstly, my quirk is only good, if I am fighting with and/or against other people, if we are doing one on ones with those robots from the entrance exams... Secondly, yeah, today is important but is fussing over it seriously going to change anything? Everyone knows we just faced a pack of villains, regardless of how we actually do, our expressions and behaviour are far more important.""You're right!" Said Yaoyorozu with realisation, Todoroki and Tokoyami also seemed to grasp his meaning. Seeing everyone's confusion, she elaborated.
"What Izuku means is after facing villains in a life or death situation, they'll either expect us to be stronger, or broken. If we are confident and raring to go, we hold far more value regardless of our place. We've faced villains in a terrible situation and our fighting spirit is lit. We are useful to pros.
If we were broken by the experience, nervous and tense over a mere sports festival... regardless of how far our quirks take us, they won't want to take on such a liability. Am I correct?"Izuku nodded, and the atmosphere became serious, but didn't lose its tension.
He sighed, looking at the class, with an adorable pout, swaying his hips slightly, he asked in the same sultry voice he'd used on Iida."What do I have to do to get you all to relax~"
His words drove thoughts of the festival out of all their heads and breath from their lungs. The tension seemed to double as blushes rapidly formed.
Izuku chuckled.
"Not worrying about the festival now are you?" He shook his hips a little and laughed - Aoyama joined in seeing the state of the class."Oh, so you're a whore as well as a wimp."
The blond dude from before was leaning on the doorway, smirking distainfully at Izuku.The greenette smiled slightly at the class before turning slowly to look at Monoma directly. "I am." He said easily.
He gave Monoma a slow pointed once over which made the confused blond even more uncomfortable. He slunk forward, tossing his hair over one shoulder, "How about you give me a try, handsome?"The blond managed to contain his surprise and hold his ground, "you're too cheap for me."
Izuku stood close to him so their noses almost touched, then whined a little, pouting and pulling away, "I guess you have a point... you'll be paying to get laid for the rest of your life, best to make an early start."
The greenette was turning away from Monoma, when the 1-B student trembling in rage yelled out, "Y-you... you little slut!"
Izuku turned to look up at him with a mocking smile, "aww, how nostalgic, I remember your dad saying exactly the same thing as I rode him."
Monoma was speechless. So were the class.
A redhead skidded to a halt at the entrance to the 1A waiting room, "there you are!" she bowed, "I apologise, I hope he hasn't caused any trouble!
Izuku smiled sweetly at her, "not at all, Kendou isn't it? You should take him back now though, the klaxon's gonna go soon and his dad dislikes people not coming on time."
She nodded, though looked a little confused. Monoma growled. He attempted to lunge at Izuku, but Kendou chopped the pressure point on his neck, bowing to the class and leaving with the blond over one shoulder.
Izuku let the smile shift to a smirk. Names like that hardly hurt any more, and it was fun messing around with people like that. He turned away from the door to meet the classes stares. He swallowed down a little panic and grinned.
"Izuku..." Sero gazed at him in awe, "where did you learn to talk like that?"
The greenette shrugged, "Aizawa watches interesting porn."
They stared at him for a long time in complete shock, and his poker face crumpled under the mixed horrified and concerned looks.
When he recovered from an adorable giggling fit, he looked at them all with shining eyes. "I'm kidding! C'mon guys, time to go show 'em what class 1A is made of!"Everything from the giggling fit to the sexy way he dealt with Monoma was too distracting for any of them to notice that he dodged Sero's question.
Class 1A walked out onto the freshman stage with eyes shining and fires lit in their hearts, though most weren't really thinking of the festival ahead.
Izuku caught Shinsou's eye in the crowd and gave him a warm smile, which the tired teen returned. Izuku looked back at the stage, missing the mass of girls and boys who'd caught their exchange and turned on Shinsou; overwhelming him with questions and accusations alike.
To his surprise, it was Bakugou's name that was called.
Of course, he'd scored best at the entrance exam.
Bakugou rose, and sent Izuku a smirk.
Ah crap.Izuku watched, the others joining him. Their aura of trepidation and fear was even noticed by the other classes, who eyed them in confusion.
"I pledge," Bakugou glanced back evilly at Izuku, "that I'll be number one. Be good stepping stones for me, extras."
Izuku grimaced and the rest of the class seemed to wilt, as the stadium stood in complete uproar. Bakugou strode back down from the podium.
Izuku waited. If Bakugou was going to shame the entire class and do something that stupid...he'd have to face the consequences.As expected, with the ego the blond wielded, he walked right past Izuku back into the group. Izuku grinned and moved his leg at the perfect moment.
Bakugou fell face forward, just managing to catch himself, and the anger in the atmosphere dissipated, to be replaced with laughter and good humour.
Izuku had been too quick for any of the people around or that audience excepting the heroes to see that he'd caused it, but Bakugou knew.He looked up in fury and embarrassment but the affectionate smile on Izuku's face stopped him short.
The greenette knew better than to offer his hand. Only someone like him, who Bakugou owed a great deal could get away with doing something like that, and not be murdered.The blond used his quirk to propel himself back to his feet, gaining a little dignity back. He stood close to Izuku.
"You bastard."
"You didn't have to walk past me afterward, now did you? You used an opportunity in your favour. I did the same."
Bakugou scowled but Izuku's gaze was affectionate and his smile warm. He wasn't belittling the blond.
They stared for a little then both turned to face Midnight, and watched.———
An obstacle course.
Bakugou almost cackled, and Izuku winced. This really wasn't going to suit his quirk at all. He caught Jiro's gaze. A lot of them were in the same boat...but he was here to take the country by storm.
If he didn't have an advantage...he'd take away theirs. Time to test his latest addition to Antiquirk.

The Emerald Prince
FanficAizawa watched Izuku drink his black coffee, gazing absently out the window. The underground hero couldn't help but smirk, he looked forward to the effect beautiful, powerful, sassy Izuku would have on a pack of hormonal teenage hero wannabes. --- 1...