Chapter 20: Dancing with devils

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Eraserhead was a powerful pro hero. Those villains never reached the group, prepared as they were, the one to reach them was the only one who they couldn't face.

Kurogiri came before the mass in all his misty glory.

"You came to kill All Might?" Asked Izuku before the villain could speak, hoping to catch him on the back foot.
"We did indeed." Replied the rumbling voice from within the mist.
"You wish to divide us up to kill and torture so our deaths will mentally harm him, if you are unable to achieve your aim?"

The others stared at Izuku in surprise at his calmness. For them it was the first time they had been close to a villain, at the best of times they'd been raised to see them as evil, yet Izuku spoke calmly and politely, his body relaxed.

"If you leave them alone, you can take me and I won't deactivate your quirk." Offered the greenette levelly.
He could feel, not see the villain raising his eyebrows. He heard Bakugou hiss at his offer and the tension rise in the class. It was a mystery to the greenette why Bakugou of all people was so concerned. Perhaps he hated Izuku taking the spotlight?

"You actually think you can deactivate my quirk?"
"It may be a composite and you may no longer be truly human, but do I look like I'm bluffing?"
Now those deductions did shock the villain, but not enough to disprove Izuku's guess.
"As if it matters. Why would I not simply go back on our deal?"

"I can tell you have a noble nature, if a little twisted; and I think Tomura would disapprove." He said it so quietly so only Kurogiri before him would hear the final words.

The man's mist shot towards him the moment his words of confirmation finished, and Izuku let it. Tilting his head back and winking at Bakugou, smiling reassuringly to the rest before he was pulled away.


Izuku seemed to have been brought to an underground room, by the change in temperature and air quality. He wondered whether Kurogiri would really keep his word... if his dad was safe...that monster rose to the forefront of his mind. The strength of it would be too much for Eraserhead, even without the quirks he had seen it possessed.

He examined the damp grey walls of the basement - or dungeon, but he was trying to be positive - keeping his ears pricked.

"Sooner than you expected?" Asked the unnaturally soft dull voice behind him.
Izuku turned and smiled, hiding his fear at the hands adorning the villain. "It was such an excellent plan."
"Where's All Might?"
Izuku shifted his positioning, and spoke disinterestedly.
"What makes you think I'd know? Like they tell first year students anything."

The blue haired male moved to join him.
"That creature of yours is... stunning, can I know what it is, or is that secret Tomura?"
Tomura grinned with a pride that made Izuku feel sick, thought not as sick as his next words.
"It is a nomu. It is designed to kill All Might."
Inspite of the chill in his gut, Izuku forced himself to maintain the act.
"Oh, I've no doubt of that. Shock absorption and regeneration? Pretty deadly with all that strength too. It will be quite the battle."

Izuku smiled bitterly.
"He'll come. He has that knack for it, you know, hero's timing. And I think he'd probably still win, the unpredictability of willpower and all that."
"Huh. You don't seem to care for him much though." Said Tomura, red eyes watching him curiously.

Izuku shrugged, keeping his expression neutral. "In my opinion he does great things and is essential to our society. If he wasn't, you wouldn't be trying to tear him down. But personally..." Izuku hesitated. "My hero is the one there right now, who no one recognises, or even speaks of, who, is facing terrible odds and fully expects to die, yet fights on to protect his students."

"And his adoptive son, Aizawa Izuku."
Tomura spoke the words like a child first using a swear word in front of his mother, desperate for a reaction.
Izuku's eyes rose to his, steady and unaffected. "You did your homework. Which begs the question, what are you aiming to do with me?"
Tomura hid his disappointment poorly at Izuku's lack of shock, he wanted to see surprise in those beautiful eyes.
"What do you want me to do?"

Izuku snorted at the question. "Not very 'I am the mastermind of the league of villains' now, is that?"
Seeing Tomura wasn't going to speak again, Izuku forced himself to focus, knowing every moment he entertained Tomura bought the heroes time to get there and kept a serious danger from attacking his father or classmates - His deal with Kurogiri would also end with this meeting.

Keep talking.

He fingered the note in his pocket. It had been intended for Todoroki... but maybe.
"Well, there are five options before you that I see."
The taller man tilted his head, and Izuku continued.

"First option. You kill me, or try to at least. If you succeed and show my body to the group out there, you'll break the most dangerous hero present and mentally scar the next generation of heroes."
Izuku only said it because he was confident that Shigiraki couldn't kill him. But Shigiraki didn't know that, and was finding this UA student stranger and stranger with every word.

"Second option. You kidnap me - though you've technically done that already. There are loads of ways you could take that, from brainwashing to torture, I don't think they are worth listing, not like I know your leagues goals or uses for kidnapped UA students."

"Third option." He continued steadily, "You seek a continuation of last time." Izuku eyed him through his lashes and sent the man a flirtatious smile.
Now that surprised Tomura. He'd seen people recoil enough because of his quirk, his appearance, his hands, yet Izuku didn't even flinch when their gazes met. It was a tempting idea too. Those beautiful lips were practically asking for it.

"Fourth option. You can back down and let me return to my classmates, I say nothing of it, you say nothing of it, and this bizarre relationship ends."
At this, Izuku stopped speaking to examine the dingy room, while Tomura fought with himself.
How did this short school boy hold the power in this conversation? He was the future leader of the league of villains!
And yet.

"You mentioned five options."
Izuku looked at him steadily, their gazes locked for what felt like hours.
"Opinion five. You take this and let me go."

Izuku pressed a piece of paper into Tomura's palm. The older man leaned forward inspite of himself, to look closely into Izuku' steady gaze.
He then looked down and opened the scrap of paper carefully.

It was a phone number.



Izuku found himself in the Ruins Zone.
In the distance, a voice boomed.



Hi everyone! Hope that chapter held up to standards! YeetedTrash2point0
did this stunning fanart I wanted to share with you all!

Hi everyone! Hope that chapter held up to standards! YeetedTrash2point0 did this stunning fanart I wanted to share with you all!

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