Chapter 137: Fight On

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I'm not gonna lie, I'm proud of this one ^ (Insta: ellogical_art)

You think I'm taking pity by publishing early?
Oh you pure beans.

Side note: Kiyo has Severus Snape energy in my head. For Thema, just imagine the powerful sexy woman that made you realise you liked girls and maybe sadomasochism, or at least made you very sexually confused.


Izuku turned to see Kiyo and Thema striding down the street toward them.
He bowed to them, surprising most of the unit, especially when Shinsou and Nezu did the same.

"What the fuck!" Whispered Nighteye in shock.
"What?" Asked All Might, having never heard his old side kick swear.
"Those are the rulers of the Hideyoshi-gumi! How in the hell!" He hissed.
All Might moved to stand, but Nighteye held him back, "no way in hell are you getting involved in that. That's international power, and not something you can punch away."

"I'm honoured that you are attending..." murmured Izuku, smiling at them.
Thema raised his chin, getting him to straighten up, "oh, sweet jade, how could we not?"
Kiyo glared at Shinsou, "now, Hisui, how can we assist you?"
Izuku smiled, "such great fighters as yourselves, I wouldn't dare to direct you. I have those with short range defensive quirks on the pavements, otherwise all groups are together and their leaders have direct lines to me as do powerful independents. Where do you wish to be?"
Kiyo sighed, "as you are the primary target I think it best I stay with your...gathering."

Thema hummed, "My gift will not be compatible against him, you'd best direct me to the first aid tent. I'm sure my quirk will be of help to the healers."
Izuku nodded to Shirakumo who opened a portal for her. The woman eyed him appreciatively before striding through. Kiyo also gazed at Shirakumo.
"He's not for sale." Said Izuku dryly, "side of the angels I'm afraid."
The silver haired man sighed, "ah well, notify me if he changes his mind, he'd be paid...very well for his services."

The reason Izuku had had so much time after All for One's first attack to organise this was because he wasn't the only one. Marching out an abandoned warehouse came a dozen Nomus, each two metres high and nightmarish. All for One had been instructing them in the lull, just like the leaders of each team. The calm before the greatest storm to hit Japan in its long history.

As Izuku predicted once the last Nomu was set, All for One turned back to face him and the number one hero made his move. To be honest, he was drawing this out even longer so Izuku wasn't too pissed.
The blond strode past Izuku, patting the kid on the head like he wanted to give the cute child a lollipop but didn't have one.
"THIS IS UNNECESSARY!" He called to the assorted heroes and villains, "AND WRONG! THIS MY FIGHT AND I MUST AVENGE MY MENTOR'S DEATH!"

The entire street went silent.
Izuku half expected a tumbleweed to roll down the street in the awkward pause.
"Toshinori..." said Nighteye tiredly, "sit down."
All for One was laughing, as was Kiyo. Izuku was doing his best not to.
"Mirai! Surely you understand! This is my duty! Only I can do this!"
"Can you?" Asked Shinsou.
"Young Shinsou obviously only I-"
His eyes dulled.

Izuku smiled at the irony of All Might being defeated by the student he dismissed. He knew it wasn't lost on Shinsou either, and they shared a smirk, "could you get him to sit quietly over there please?"
Shinsou nodded, "go sit in a seiza position beside Nighteye and remain silent until Izuku allows you to stand."
All Might detransformed and trudged robotically over to Nighteye, kneeling on the tarmac with his his hands together on his lap.
Kiyo promptly stopped laughing.
Shinsou's smirk widened.

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