Chapter 58: Two halves

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This is a super fluffy chapter as many have been...
But just in case the last 56 chapters had led you into some kind of sense of security, I'm giving you a firm warning.
This book will have angst. Quite a bit actually. I did warn you.
I'll save you the stress that I don't really do major character death, I'm too soft for that, but there will be pain, and tears, and anger. So yeah... heads up.
Well...anyways...enjoy this cute fluffy chapter...


Izuku: I'm free tomorrow if you want to show me the league? I can disappear for the whole day!

Tomura blinked at the message on his phone, and a smile crept onto his face as a rush of excitement flew through him. He looked up and met Kurogiri's curious golden eyes.
"He's coming! He's actually fucking coming!"

He thought Kurogiri smiled but he couldn't catch the expression before the portal user schooled it. "You should calm down Tomura, if Dabi and Toga hear you, there'll be no end to it."

Stitches had been off form ever since his meeting with Izuku, less motivated or easily riled up, and more pensive and reclusive. It wasn't a huge change for the overgrown emo, but when you live around someone for a long time, you become more aware of their habits and nuances.

He scowled at Kurogiri but checked the room for psychopaths and burnt toast before letting the smile return to his face.
"But Izuku is coming here!"
Tomura knew it was childish but he was scarily happy, he really liked talking to the mysterious teen, and found the guy's approval strangely important to him. He couldn't wait to show Izuku the base in all its glory. He looked down at his phone and replied.

Tomura: Be at the park at 10:00.

Then he hesitated as another problem made itself known. "Kurogiri... What about sensei?"


Izuku put down his phone and eyed himself in the mirror, smiled, and shifted the messy plait over his shoulder before frowning and undoing it.
He decided to wear his hair down, but kept one of the many hair bands scattered across his room on his wrist if it got annoying. It grew surprisingly fast as far as he could tell; reaching the bottoms of his shoulder blades and making determined progress toward his waist line. It freaked him out a little how heavy it was, but he liked the feel of it swaying as he walked, and of fingers running through it too much to cut it.

He gave his reflection a bashful grin before grabbing his bag and bouncing out the room to fetch his charming peppermint friend.
Today was Saturday; the day the whole class had agreed to shop for supplies. They had a training camp to prepare for.

He turned right, and trotted across the corridor toward the guest room, knocking impatiently on the door, his heels bouncing on the carpet. "Shoto! You ready?"
"Yes." Came a monotonous voice from the other side.

Todoroki took a deep breath and put his poker face on firmly before opening the door. It still cracked at the sight of Izuku though.

The greenette had his hair down, curly bangs framing his face. He was wearing a white short sleeved shirt, unbuttoned at the top to reveal his pearly white collar bones and tucked into his favourite red shorts that emphasised his curves. The shorts matched his usual red boots and beautifully contrasted with his hair and eyes, the latter shining brightly up at the taller teen in excitement.

"Shall we?" said the greenette oblivious to how much Todoroki was struggling to control himself.
"Y-yeah..." Todoroki managed before Izuku took his hand and pulled him down the stairs.

They hurdled over a yellow mound in the hallway and Izuku opened the front door. "Bye Dad!"
"Stay safe!" Growled Aizawa sending Todoroki a warning glare as Izuku pulled the taller teen out the house. Izuku's only response was a free-spirited laugh as he disappeared into the distance, Todoroki in tow.

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