Chapter 46- Cling Clang Clur

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Chapter 46- Cling Clang Clur

Quickly, I scurried inside Vivians house where everyone was waiting patiently to see me. These last two weeks had been eventful, and it was painful to let go of the relatives I'd hardly see after a couple of months. When I'd visit again, I knew everything would be very different. Skylar and Carson wouldn't be there to torment the heck out of me because they were going to have a new home. A new family member was going to be added along with diapers and pacifiers everywhere I looked. And the house would be silent like living under water, but Geepa and Geema would forever stay the same.

When I glanced around I didn't see anyone here, dropping my bags to the ground. "Where are they?" I spun back to ask Adrian with disappointment.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed, rubbing his temples in frustration. "We were supposed to meet them at Susies Diner, I completely forgot."

I rolled my eyes dramatically, pleased that they hadn't forgotten about me. "You had one job."

He held his hand in surrender. "My bad."

A familiar bark blared through the house as the furry friendly beast speeded towards me. "REESE!" I instantly crouched down to cuddle him. He wagged his tail happily as he began to cover my face in saliva. I didn't mind since I had missed him. "Hey peanut butter," I cooed in a mushy tone as he leaped around eagerly. "I missed you." I planted kisses all over his fur. "Have you been a good doggy?"

"Carry on talking to you dog, I'll be just be standing here with all your luggage." Adrian muttered to himself.

"It's just that I've missed him so much!" I scratched him behind his ear. "And I bet he's been wondering where momma was at."

"He's been a handful for the past two weeks." Mrs Miller stepped out of the kitchen, peering down at the scene.

I scrambled up, allowing Reese to run towards Adrian as Mrs Miller engulfed me inside a tight hug. "How was it?"

"Amazing!" I announced, pulling away. "I feel guilty for you to deal with Reese for the past couple of weeks. You sure you didn't mind?"

"Of course not." She brushed a hand simply. "He kept me company since Jacks gone back to college and my husband was at work most of the time or when Vee goes out with Elliot. I'll miss him." She pouted at Reese.

"Well I'll make sure to bring him over whenever you want to see him. Is it okay if you take care of him a little longer whilst I meet the rest?" I requested.

She nodded vigorously at me. "I don't mind. Go, you haven't seen them for two weeks, I'm sure they're waiting. Now go." She shooed me out and scooped Reese from the ground.

I thanked her lastly before heading inside of Adrians car. Dad decided to meet some friends at the bar, and I reminded him not to drink too much even if he was a cop which explained why he wasn't here.

"How does it feel to be back?" Adrian directed at me, buckling his seatbelt before starting the ignition.

"Well for starters I missed the rain here." My eyes focused on the window wipers cleaning the glass while fresh droplets stuck to it. "I was starting to get sick of seeing nothing funnily enough. It didn't rain nor was it sunny. It was just meh."

He shook his head at my response. "Only you would like the rain."

"Love the rain," I corrected him, staring intently at his defined jawline.

If only I could skim my tongue against it.

"Uh oh, the Weirdo is admiring my handsome face again!" He alerted, stopping at a red light.

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