Chapter 58- Blood Sucker

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Chapter 58- Blood Sucker


"Relax bro."


"Why is it so long?"

"And so thick?"

"I'M GOING TO DIE, OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO FUCKING DIE! GET IT OFF ME!" Andre panicked, stretching his legs out on the bench, as everyone hovered around him.

"Language," alerted Mr Carpenter.

Andre, with a guilty look, lifted his head off the bench for a second. "Sorry."

Attempting to be the one to calm him, I clutched onto his shoulders. "Breathe Andre. In and out just like how I showed. It's okay, you can do this."

He gulped a puff of air, but released it too soon. "I can't do this! Where the hell is Derek? He knows how to take this shit off."

Mr Carpenter sent another warning look in his direction, causing Andre to wince. "Again, I'm sorry."

Pausing, I stared at the dark leech, feeding on his flesh while his blood dripped. Derek should've warned us about these suckers, thankfully the rest of us didn't manage to get any of them on us. Sad to say, Andre was the unfortunate one who was currently screaming hysterically.

"Don't worry he's gone to get some lemon juice to get the sucker off," Mrs Meyer informed with a tight smile.

"You're acting like you're giving birth." Vivian rolled her eyes at his dramatic behaviour. "Us girls are the ones who are having it hard, and you're here dying over a tiny blood sucking thing."

"Well thank fucking God I ain't a girl!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "And Vee do you really want to go through this? Because right now I'm the one who is suffering here!"

"You know what, I'm going to name this leech." Elliot squatted down to Andres level. "Edward Cullen, you know ... since it's probably one of the closest things to a vampire."


"We don't need any vampire shit." Adrian groaned, face palming himself.

Elliot snapped his lethal eyes back at Adrian. "You're just jealous because you ain't no Bella Swan, and instead it's Andre!"

"Guys seriously your friend is in pain," I complained, fanning Andre with my hand. "It's okay you'll get through this."

"Thanks Mila, I always knew you were the one person who understood me. And if I die ... could you tell Skylar to meet me in heaven so we can be together forever."


"You know ... like how Romeo and Juliet did it. Just die for each other's love and be reunited in heaven."

Hell no ... we will not go in that direction!

Weirded out by his garbage talking, I sprung up, searching around. "Okay, where the hell is Derek?"

Mr Carpenter rubbed his chin while examining the ugly creature. "You know leeches used to be used in medicine. In the past people used them to prevent blood clots, or even diseases. So they're actually beneficial for you."

"Look sir, I don't give a crap about the past. I just want it off me!" Andre bitched and moaned, squinting his eyes shut in pain.

Without him noticing, I recorded a small video of him crying and wailing, sending it to Skylar.

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