Chapter 25- Lucky Slippers

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Chapter 25- Lucky Slippers

"Roses are red, Violets are blue there's only one girl who I am falling for, and that is you," Elliot said to Vivian with adoration. She leaned in to peck him on his lips, bringing a smile to her face.

They had been at it for the past fifteen minutes of lunch. I guess Vivian took my advice and asked him out. She wouldn't stop screaming on call with me last night. I was very happy for them believe me I was, but if I had to watch them eat each other's face off, then I think I'd prefer it before they even dated.

"How about this one." Andre butted in, grabbing their attention. "Roses are red violets are blue THAT'S WHY THEY'RE CALLED VIOLETS YOU FUCKING FOOL!" Andre yelled, grabbing everyone's attention in the cafeteria.

I massaged his shoulders to calm him down. "It's okay Andre, calm down."

He started to fake cry into my shoulder, wailing. "No it's not, these people have been thinking it's blue all this time." I hushed him while the rest stared at us.

"Give the boy some privacy." I snapped at them.

"Drama king and drama queen of the group," Adrian muttered.

Andre pulled away to glance at me. "I mean we would make a good couple." He joked while giving me a high five.

Yeah that would most definitely never happen.

"So I was thinking sleep over at my house?" I asked randomly.

I had been dreading for a sleep over. Staying home all alone after school was pure boring. I had Reese and we'd have fun, he was my best friend. But I needed a human company, and I didn't have dad because of work. Vivian and I have had sleepovers multiple of times, enjoying ourselves and giggling to silly things. But I had met the boys now, and I've grown close to them to the point I classified them as my best friends. And we needed to do something other than sit together at lunch.

"A sleepover?" Elliot asked. "That's kinda random and out of the blue."

"I guess it is, but it will be fun. My dads not home so we have the entire house to ourselves."

Andre grinned, arching his brow seductively. "I'm calling dibs on a six some."

Vivian slapped him on the back of the head, doing all of us a favour. "Get your dirty mind out of the gutter. The only sleepover you've had is probably a one night stand."

Andre gasped. "How did you know?"

I rolled my eyes at their behaviour and exhaled loudly. "So is everyone free or what?"

I glanced at all of them and saw the smiles appearing on the faces, informing me that they were allowed. But when I looked over at Adrian he had an unsure face. Oh that's just craptastic.

"No," Adrian stated firmly.

I looked at him confused. "Why not? It'll be fun."

"We're basically eighteen and you guys want to do sleepovers?"

"You're such a party pooper," Elliot called out.

"Yeah so what, we're still young," Vivian tried to explain.

"And I've never-" Andre coughed. "- gone to an actual sleepover before," he said embarrassingly.

"Erm yeah you have," Adrian stated. "We had one when we were like twelve."

"That doesn't classify as a sleepover. It was more like babysitting Logan and Callie because they were babies. You put me off from wanting to have kids after that day." Elliot leaned back in his seat.

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