Chapter 24- You're Hot

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Chapter 24- You're Hot

Milas PoV

It had been fifteen minuets now, and I still had no idea where I was going. Not even a single car had driven by, that was how isolated this place really was.

Since I had brought no coat with me, I was stuck with my hoodie which was not doing a great job on keeping me warm. My fingers felt like they were going to snap off as they turned blue. I shoved them under my armpits, trying to reheat them. The wind smacked against my face, making me fully aware that I'd have dry skin when I came home.

That was if I came home.

My eyes stung after the amount of crying I had done. I didn't even think there was any tears left now. Nolan broke me. He broke me to the point I didn't even recognise myself in the mirror. The girl I used to be was gone. I was replaced with some shattered stranger. Who was she?

My body felt numb. Numb from all the pain. I was adamant that four bruises wear forming under my clothing. Still, I kept quiet. Why didn't I tell anyone you ask? One, Nolan would get arrested and his father would be on his own, and I didn't want that. I knew what it was like to have a single dad, especially when he got custody of Nolan after signing the divorce papers. Two, I didn't know who to tell. I had plenty of people I could trust. But I didn't know who was the right person that would do everything I wanted them to. Three, I was weak. Everyone would see the weak person I truly was, only to be disappointed with me. I was disappointed with myself. I stayed mute like nothing happened. I plastered on a fake smile to hide my emotions. Sometimes smiling was the only way to stop you from crying.

I stood still realising that if I continued to walk, I'd only get more lost. I fished out my phone, leaving me no choice but to call the one person I didn't want to, Adrian.

I can't call Adrian he has some supernatural vision eyes and he will know somethings up, my mind of reasoning said.

But I had no choice. I guess I'd have to up my game.

Dad was at work still, and there was no chance I could call him since they switch their phones off. Vivian was out with her family, probably eating Jack alive with stupid questions about college. They never give the boy a break. I'd call Andre and Elliot but then ... wait why wasn't I calling Andre and Elliot?


What was I doing? I caught feelings for Adrian. This wasn't allowed. We were just supposed to see each other as friends who secretly hated one another. Let alone me developing stupid feelings. It was probably just a little fling. I was hoping these butterflies would die whenever I saw him. I couldn't do this, not when I was caught up in a toxic relationship. This problem would stay between me, myself and I.

If I didn't ring him any time soon I'd die in this freaking freezing night. And my life was too precious to be eaten by some weather.

I went ahead and found him on my contact list. A grin took over my face, realising what I saved him as 'Delinquent.' It was Elliots suggestion that we all shared our numbers at the cafeteria. He figured if there was some sort of pandemic, or a zombie apocalypse we could call each other. I mean it was stupid because if I was in that situation I would be out murdering the zombies, not call my dumbass friends.

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