Chapter 52- Answers

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Chapter 52- Answers

"Dad, I don't want to go to school," my voice came out hoarse, cracking open my heavy eyelids.

"Oh honey, it's been three days since the last time you've gone to school," he complained, opening my blinds for the first time, causing me to hiss at the bright light.

He wandered over and sat at the end of the bed, creating a dip in the mattress. "Are you sure that there's nothing that's going on? Nothing about school that I should know about?"

"No," I replied succinctly, snuggling up with Reese like he was my teddy bear. "Schools fine ... it's just girl problems ... you know."

He angled a brow, not buying anything that came out of my mouth. "Really? Because you haven't showered for the past three days either."

Ah showering. A lovely warm shower could do some use and help with the extremely sore stress that had only intensified in these past few days. But ever since that day I left Adrians house before he could question me any further, I lost the motivation to leave my bed.

It was as if my bedroom was my palace, and the people who entered were only allowed in because I said so. Besides, I had Reese as my guard. Even so he seemed to know that something was up with me from the way he wouldn't leave my side, nudging me with his nose to brighten me up.

"I'll shower when you leave for work." I ran a hand through my disheveled hair. "I'm just having those lazy days."

"Are you sure you don't want me to bring you some Painkillers maybe?" Dad asked further, patting my foot.

"I'm sure."

If I were to take anymore, I was sure that I would inadvertently overdose from the amount I had taken the nights before.

"You're friends are going to worry about you, I've had Vivian call about ten times the last time I counted, and miscalls from the rest," he amused, bringing the vaguest smile to my face.

Gosh, I didn't even want to think about switching my phone on. The countless amount of notifications I must've received would be blinding. I knew that they were worried about me but it shouldn't bother them too much since I'd just make another excuse up.

The only person I'd know who wouldn't believe anything I said was Adrian, because of his mind reading skills.

All I'd have to do is up my game with him.

"If they call again, just tell them I'll be back tomorrow." I gave a slight smile in his direction.

He stood up, ready to leave. "Yeah well, you've said that nearly every day now and still no progress."

"Do you want me to make you some breakfast before I leave? Or are you just going to feast from your secret stash?" He joked, but it didn't make me laugh like it used to.

"Yeah." I faked a giggle. "I don't want breakfast, and I think my secret stash will do."

More like an untouched secret stash. Neither had I eaten for these last three days, only surviving on water. I felt weak all the time, and couldn't find the courage to stare at my mirror. I didn't even want to think about my reflection, my skin must had sunken into my bones.

For a second, he hesitated. "Look Poptart, I can always cancel work and stay with you. I'm sure Andy can cover for me."

"No." I snapped my head in his direction. "You can't cancel work, just because your daughter is being a hormonal brat! Now go before you're late! I'm fine, I've got Reese with me."

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