Chapter 57- Row Your Boats

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Chapter 57- Row Your Boats

"EVERYONE GET UP! GET UP!" Derek hollered in the centre of the camp.

Attempting to block his annoying voice, I nuzzled into my sleeping bag. The sun had only started to rise now, what was the point of waking up?


Sleeping in a tent wasn't the most convenient of all. Let's just say the solid lumpy ground wasn't doing it for my back. Plus for an hour, I had to adjust to Vivian bark when she detected tiny bugs that were already making themselves at home in our tent.

"Tell this prick to shut up," Vivian complained, her voice thick with sleep.

All of a sudden, the zip of our tent was yanked open by an energetic Derek. "WAKE UP GIRLS! IT'S TIME TO GO CANOEING!"



From those last words, I sprang up feeling the coldness sore through me, making me want to curl back up in my sleeping bag. I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes while Derek went to wake the rest of the students up, and I didn't miss the "piss off" by Andre.

As for Vivian, she remained in her deep slumber. I reached over and gently poked her, causing her to stir. "Vee, wake up," I whispered harshly.

"Mhmmm, Kiss me Elliot." She sighed into her pillow, puckering her lips.

Hell no, yuck!

Throwing up in my mouth, I scratched my scalp not really knowing where her head was at, and bent closer to her ear before yelling: "WAKE UP VEENILLA!"

She tumbled over with a small shriek escaping her strawberry lips, and searched around filled with panic, settling her gaze at me which turned into saucers. "You're such a bitch!" She tossed her teddy Sprinkles at me.

I shielded my face, protecting it. "Poor Sprinkles, he's done nothing to you." Swiftly, I snatched the teddy away from her, receiving a bitter scowl.

Yes, Elliot had decided to name the stupid pink teddy bear Sprinkles. He figured it would be cute if it was the 'sprinkles' to 'Veenilla' ice-cream. And indeed, she'd carry that stupid teddy everywhere around with her.

"Why are we waking up now, it's like six in the morning." She groaned groggily.

"Trust me, I'd like to sleep too. But we're at camp so deal with it." I peeled my sleeping bag off of me, ready to get up.

That's was until, something in the corner of eyes my caught my attention. My head snapped to my side quizzically, spotting a piece of coloured paper laying there innocently.

A paper crane.

Dumbfounded at how it was delivered here, sluggishly, I lifted it up. The paper origami bird had the patterns of leaves blanketed all over it, bringing an immediate smile to my face. Where did this person even find all these patterned paper?

'You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in you who hurts you '

A quote from the Fault In Our stars.

Vaguely, I remembered reading the book, and not being able to stop crying. The book itself taught me a whole new perspective of life and how much it really meant. Maybe I should've reread it before I allowed Nolan to dominate me. I should've never allowed him to hurt me like the way he did. But I was finally picking myself back up, and I knew for a fact now he would never be able to hurt me again.

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