Chapter 5- Let's Go Leo

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Chapter 5- Let's Go Leo

It wasn't just a regular week. It was homecoming week. The week that welcomed all the students back to high school, as if it was the most welcoming place, when it really wasn't. I mean, the teachers couldn't give a crap, and the students they just wanted to attend the pep rally that was currently going on or dress up fancy for the dance.

I was not part of those type of people.

Although, I enjoyed the pep rallies. They were something I looked forward to each year. So it was pretty upsetting that this would be one of my last ones to attend.

Vivian and I walked into the crowded gymnasium. The large gymnasium that took every basketball game and events that competed against different schools, or where you would use it if the weather wasn't the best outside for gym class.

I felt like a sardine in a can as I walked to the seats that had our whole grade in one corner. The four grades were divided into each corner: the new Freshman's, the Sophomores, the Juniors, and us, the Seniors.

I was able to spot Nolan sitting with a couple of friends, having two empty seats besides him, and it was the perfect place since they were sitting in the middle.

Yeah, we were able to figure out everything that took place in the parking lot. I chose to forgive him after he turned up to my house with a box of chocolates and red roses. Even though I wished they were sunflowers, I couldn't resist but to forgive him.

Next, he apologised, explaining how it was jealousy which was understandable. I reckon I would have been jealous if my boyfriend started to hang out with Trisha and Harper. As for the slight bruise that formed on my wrist, it was eventually gone. I was able to get rid of it after placing ice and taking care of it. Luckily, Dad hadn't seen it since I used a little powder to cover it up. Nolan was deeply sorry for the chaos he caused, and he wouldn't stop apologising. And I made him promise for this not to occur ever again, to which he accepted. But I assured him it was okay and that everything was all under control. It was okay, right?

"There's seats over there." I pointed towards Nolan, grabbing Vivians attention as she looked around for more empty places.

"Can't we sit at the back?" She complained.

I halted at the middle of the steps, staring at her as more people shoved past to find some seats. "What? Why would you want to sit at the back, it's the furthest away, and we all know you eye sight isn't the best."

"Yeah but I think it's gotten better." She grinned, glancing at the back.

This wasn't Vivian, every year she'd force us to at least sit at the front. So what made this year any different? I glanced over to where she was staring, to find Elliot waving at her with Adrian and Andre, who seemed to be in a deep conversation. There was an empty seat beside Elliot and an empty seat beside Adrian, resulting Andre to be located in the middle.

"Okay no," I chuckled, staring at the three of them. "There's only two empty seats up there and we won't be able to sit next to each other anyways."

"Who cares?"

And the best friend award goes to the one and only, Vivian Miller.

Honesty, I felt terrible that I didn't allow her to sit next to the guy she had been wanting for years. This may have been her only chance. These boys were practically the school celebrities, and it was an privilege for her to sit beside him. So why shouldn't I lend her this stupid opportunity?

I sighed, feeling defeated. "You sit with them, I'll sit with Nolan."

"YES! Thank you, thank you! You won't regret this!" She jumped up and down and took the chance, walking up the stairs to sit next to Elliot, who couldn't stop grinning at her.

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