Pool side

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I was having an argument with my 'boyfriend' about how he's clearly been cheating on me. We were at a pool side on a vacation together. Apparently I got too in his face so he went to push me but to my unfortune I was at the side of the pool. I closed my eyes tight ready to fall into the pool but to my surprise someone grabbed hold of my arm before I could fall in. I felt myself get pulled into someone's embrace. I was tense not knowing who it was but I strangely felt safe. I somewhat calmed down from my scare but also still had my heart beating very fast in my chest. I could hear this person arguing with my now ex boyfriend. I then hear heavy footsteps walking away, I assume it was my ex. The person holding me then pulls away asking "Are you ok?" I look up at this person for the first time in my life I thought wow this girl looks so handsome. I then come to my senses noticing that I didn't answer her question. "Um yea..thank you." I manage to say. She then responds smiling "No problem." That smile was so charming I could t stop staring. She then turned to walk away but before she got far I quickly grabbed onto the back of her shirt and said "Wait!" She then turns back to look at me. At first I'm silent not knowing what to say. "Um can we exchange numbers?" I blurt out looking at the ground and wondering where that boost of confidence came from. When my response was silence I then blurt out "I know it's weird I just got out of that relationship but when you held me just now I felt weirdly safe in your arms and I feel like if I don't do anything like ask to get to know you more I'll probably regret it for the rest of my life." I then take a deep breath after all that. I then hear her chuckle and I look up at her, she was smiling at me which eased my fear of rejection. "Sure." She says. I then let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in out. We exchange phones so we could type each other's numbers in each other's phones. When I got my phone back it read 'M🍉'. "Hmm M, so are you gonna tell me your actual name or do I have to find out?" I say looking at her🤔. "Your gonna have to find out." She says with a smirk😏. I blush and she goes to walk off again so I shout back "Have fun with my nickname then!" She turned around with a surprised look not knowing I would turn her truck around. Now it was my turn to smirk 😏 at her and walk away with the biggest smile on my face.

Marthe Woertman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now