Window Neighbour

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I had just moved into my new apartment and just so happened that someone just moved into the one opposite my main window in my bedroom. In the beginning we didn't really pay much attention to each other kinda busy unpacking. One day while I was playing bass and she wasn't around I noticed a small post it note that said 'Hi😊' I smiled and put a small note on my window saying 'Hey✌️' back. As time went by both of us slowly unpacking and putting up decorations in our bedrooms. One day I notice a bisexual flag in her room and get intrigued starting to think about her more. Days and days pass and we would write and paste small notes for each other that day things like 'Have a good day!' or 'How was your day?" And sometimes we would print Spotify codes and paste them on our windows for each other to scan. It was our way of sharing music and it was always exciting. Sometimes I would find her trying all kinds of art be it watercolour, acrylic paint or even digital. I would catch myself smiling every so often when I see her concentrating and I would giggle every time I saw her concentrated face. Some day at the corner of my eye when I'm sitting by my window practicing my bass I would see her looking at me probably not aware she's actually staring. Other times I would sometimes see her dancing in her room like no ones watching even though I could see but I don't think she is ever aware when I catch her dancing.
I was out with friends and I checked the time and it was getting late. "Hey guys I think I'm gonna go home I have something I have to do." I say trying to find an excuse without really telling them. I would be to embarrassed to tell they why I really wanted to leave now. "Why? What's the rush?" My friend asks. "Erm it's nothing I just have to do something I forgot I had to do today." I answer vaguely then run off. My face was red thinking about why I was actually leaving. You see I may or may not have memorise the timing of when my neighbour showers..Not in a creepy way I swear it's not like I'm spying I just find her voice soothing. She always sings in the shower and probably doesn't know how beautiful her voice sounds. Ok maybe it is a little creepy but I can't help it, my feeling for this girl I barley knew has been growing and I can't do anything to stop it.
[3rd person POV ]
Y/N was lazing around in bed that afternoon and had decided to finally download tiktok cause she was bored. As she was scrolling she came across someone who looked oddly very familiar. She looked onto the profile and as she watched more and scrolled through it she realised who it was. She watched thirst traps and blushed, she watched the cute ones and giggled at how cute she was. Marth ok the other hand had spotted Y/N on her bed blushing and giggling at her phone and she started to felt jealous. Her jealousy faded away as soon as she saw Y/N look over. Y/N gave a shock face when she realised Marth was already looking at her. Y\ instantly looked away and back at her phone embarrassed. She scrolled to the top and was looking at a few of the recent ones when she heard the audio of one of them. She recognised the songs and it was the few she played in the shower the other day, she was in shock hearing her own voice. She then on impulse look over at Marth's window then opened the window. Marth still looking intensely at Y/N wondering who she was possibly texting got a shock and almost fell backwards into her room from her window ledge. Marth looked at Y/N confused not knowing why she looked a little annoyed at her. Until Y/N put the volume of her phone higher and showed Marth what she was looking at that Marth realised what she had found.
'Shit Shit Shit!'I never thought she would find my tiktok. "I um..I can explain." I say then realise my window is closed so I quickly open my window and say again " I can explain! sorry I didn't ask before I posted it but Your voice just sounds so calming. But I understand that I probably should have asked first." I see her face from annoyed turns into a confused one. "You find my voice calming? I sound horrendous😂." She says. "You absolutely do not. You sound like an angel." I say defensively. "Okok if u say so." She says sarcastically. "Look at the comments of the video and find out the truth. They all agree you sound amazing." I say with a smug look having already read most of the comments. I look at her facial expression change to a 'we'll see about that' my to a look of disbelief. "Told ya so." I say knowing I'm right. I then realise this is the actual first real conversation we've had together. I also realise that the person she was blushing and giggling for was me.. so I pick up enough courage and went for it. "Hey so um wanna go out on a date with me some time soon?" I feel my cheeks get hot after asking feeling embarrassed. I see her cheeks go pink at my question she then says "I would love to😊." That day we exchange numbers just in case but we would talk to each other from our windows way more.

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