Hydra Kidnap

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⚠️blood and suicidal warning⚠️

Hydra had kidnaped me a week ago and they had already brainwashed me again because I wouldn't comply to their orders. They not only fried my brain and rid them of all my memories of everyone I loved but they also torchere me with whips and knifes. I was in my cell covered with bruises and my own blood. When they were done I fell limp and just laid in my cell feeling numb. The next day at night I was barley healed but I could move a bit. I heard the alarms that meant someone broke in but I stayed in my cell since the door was still locked shut. I then saw someone unfamiliar almost run pass my cell before she stopped and ran back and yelled a name I didn't recognise while looking right at me. She quickly got my cell open and went to carry me out but instead I caught her arm before she could touch me. I scratch her arm before running out of my cell. She groans in pain but gets up and comes after me nonetheless. Half way I stop ready to fight her not knowing why she was after me specifically. I take out a knife I found along the way on a guard and get in position ready to fight. She sighs then runs towards me as if not wanting to fight me. I use all the skills hydra has taught me and scratch her at a bunch of other spots including her face. Eventually she falls to the ground and seems to be too injured to get up. I slowly walk towards her ready to finish her but before I could dodge and red, white and blue shield comes hurdling right to my head. It hits me and I fall back only seeing the ceiling as I black out. When I wake up again I notice that I'm strapped down to a bed. I look around panicked and see Marth on the other side of the plane bloody and unconscious. I start to shake and sob violently knowing I was the one responsible. Steve notices my heart monitor going crazy and looks over at me and starts to walk over. "NOOOO! WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?!" I scream angry at myself. When we get back to the avenger tower I didn't struggle when they put me in a cell knowing it's what's best for everyone. A month went by and Marth still hadn't woken up and Everyday I blamed myself and even contemplated killing myself thinking everyone would be safer without me around. Everyday I cried the image of Marth unconscious and bloody because of me haunting me. The day I had my claws up to my neck ready to finally end things the last person I expected to visit me came. "Please don't." Her sweet voice echos through the room. I look up with eyes clouded with tears as I reluctantly drop the hand that I had around my neck. "Your awake." I say barley auditable with my tears falling down my face. "It's all my fault. Everyone would be safer if I was gone." I say defeated. "No please don't leave me." Marth pleads. "Let her out!" She shouts at Tony. Tony complies and presses a button which opens the doors. I look at him confused then understood when I saw he had a part of his suit on him. 'Good' I thought not trusting myself either. I slowly walk out of the cell cautiously. Before anyone could say anything Marth wraps me in a tight hug which surprises me but then hug her back feeling her tears soaking my shirt. We both stay hugging just crying in each other's arm for a while. "Promise you'll never leave me." Marth mumbles into my shoulder. I then sigh letting go of the thought of taking my own life and nod and say "I won't. I'm so sorry." I sob. "I love you." Marth says which surprises me and the other avengers because this was the first time we were saying it to each other. "I love you too." I say.

Marthe Woertman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now