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I was going to this concert with someone who I thought I would be closer friends with because we share the same favourite band. But as we got closer to the venue in the taxi she paid less attention to me when I was talking to her and she had an annoyed look on her face. Eventually I stopped talking not sure why she was being mean all of a sudden. I was just talking about the band and my fav member. When we got there it was still pretty early and the concert was going to start in maybe a few hours. And I told her I was gonna go to the bathroom. "Oh it's through there." She says a bit too enthusiastically but I didn't think much of it. "Thanks." I say then go through the curtain and end up in a hallway that looked pretty empty. I kind of trusted her to lead me the right way so I continued walking trying to find the toilet sign. I had walked quiet far and yet I still couldn't find the bathroom. I was going to go back but realised everywhere looked the same and I was lost. But not long after I spot a security guard and I was about to ask him for help but before I could he shouted "Hey your not suppose to be here!" And comes storming towards me. I'm sure he could see the fear on my face. I stuttered out a "wait I was just looking for the bathroom and got lost I swear!" "You can't fool me." He says going to grab me but then someone interrupts "Hey! Sorry man she's with me." A girl says from behind us. The security guard then stops in his tracks and turns around letting me go, "Oh sorry about that, was just following protocol. Never know with crazy fans." He says trying to play it off cool. The girl just laughs along but I could tell from the tone in her voice she was unimpressed. I then turn around and to my surprise it was the bassist of the band I came to see and might I add also my favourite. My eyes go wide realising who just saved me from getting kicked out of the venue. When the security guard was far enough that we could barley see him Marth waved me to come to her and I slowly but surly walked up to her. "Please tell me your not one of the crazy ones cause that guard is long gone now." Marth asks jokingly but slightly wary. "I promise I'm not one of the crazy ones that will scream in your face. But what I will do is tell you how much I love you  and the band and you on bass." I say not knowing how I just said all that without getting all awkward like I usually am. "Good. Hey wanna come hang in my dressing room, since the show isn't on for another hour or so?" Marth suggested. "Um yea sure. Oh also do you know where the bathroom is? I was trying to find it cause my friend pointed this way but I got lost instead." I say kinda confused. I notice Marth frown for a second before leading the way to her dressing room. I decided not to quiestion it. When we get in there she shows me where the bathroom is and I do my business then get outside. Marth then says "I'm gonna go use the bathroom too but sit anywhere you want." "Ok😊." I say and take a seat on the couch. I then feel a vibration from my phone in my pocket so I take it out and it's a text from a friend of mine asking if I'm ok. 'Weird. Why would she ask me that.' I thought confused. I then texted her back "Um yea why?" "Oh I'm have you seen (fake friend's name)'s Instagram story?" She replies. "Um no..I'll go check now." I reply then go to Instagram. Before I found her story I got a text back from my friend that said "I'm here if you wanna talk." And that just made me even more anxious to what I might find. I find it and click on her icon and it was mostly about how annoying I was talking about her crush and how she said she got rid of me. I know I'm not anywhere that close to her but it still hurt knowing she did all this behind my back. Now her being all happy out of nowhere when she pointed the way backstage. I let out a loud sigh feeling betrayed kinda forgetting where I was. "Hey you ok?" Marth says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh um yea..actually no so the so called friend I came with had a plan to get me kicked out of the venue. We're not close or anything but it still kinda hurts." I explain. "Yea kinda guessed that when you mentioned she was the one who led you here." She says sitting next to me, quite close might I add. A blush came into my cheeks noticing the close to no gap between us but decided to change the subject to something else to keep my mind off my heart beating like crazy. "Anyways um so why did you help me back there?" I ask genuinely still curious about that. "Oh um..actually I kinda though you were pretty cute." She says with a light blush on her cheeks. My heart skipped a beat only seen her in a badass light online and seeing her be soft struck something in me. "Oh um..thank you? Sorry I don't know how to respond to that." I chuckle nervously. I then feel my phone vibrate again and I see it's a text from my friend and she sent a pic. I unlocked my phone and saw it was a screenshot of what I can assume is that fake friend's latest insta story. It said something along the lines of "So glad she's gone." This almost killed my mood but then Marth puts her hand on mine and gives it a little squeeze then says "Hey I have an idea." She says smirking. I blush when she held my hand my palms already getting sweaty. "Um ok what do you have in mind?" I ask intrigued at what idea she might be thinking of. "Let's take a photo together and I'll post it on my story. And since she's a fan of mine she will most likely see it." Marth says with a smirk. "You sure there won't be others that will react badly to it? I mean getting back at a fake person is one thing but your very much well known." I ask thinking more about her reputation than revenge. "Well I want to..especially if there might be more of you in it i the future." She says quickly looking away after while blushing madly. That make my heart flutter never thinking of this dream of mine to ever be possible. I mean out of all the people out there my crush who is a celebrity has a crush on me?! I mean who can say I'm dating my idol right? "Well if your ok with it then so am I." I say still thinking about if this would create trouble for her. "I definitely want to do this. But also let me ask..if I ask you on dates would you say yes and if I eventually asked you to be my girlfriend what would you say." Marth asks as if this was the only condition she had to go through with this plan of hers. "I would be crazy to not say yes. Why would I turn down someone I already love so much. Of course I would say yes to your dates and to be your girlfriend in the future." I gush. Marth then takes out her phone and right as she goes to take the photo she kisses my cheek which makes me instantly have a shocked face not expecting it. She then posts it with the caption "Found this cutie backstage!" Marth then turns to me and asks "Does your friend know of me?" "Well i don't ever stop talking about you so she must know." I say not really thinking before I said it and try to hide my face embarrassed. Marth then pulls my hands away from my face and says fondly "You're adorable." I blush and then she asks "Can I send your friend a message on your phone?" "Um sure." I agree trusting her. She then takes a photo of us together and texts "I promise I'll take good care of her. -Marth" Marth then passes me back my phone and instantly get a reply saying "Ohhh get it girl!!" I blush instantly knowing Marth read it too.

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