Soulmate [Thoughts]

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When you or your soulmate turns 18 you think each other's thoughts sometimes and only when the younger soulmate turns 18 then the thoughts will come..(not sure how to explain it)

Marthe and I have been friends for a few years now and we both decided to live together as roommates until we find out who our soulmates are. I had already turned 18 months ago but I have had no thoughts that weren't my own so I just figured either my soulmate's birthday was a later month in the year or they were younger. I didn't think much of it willing to wait anyways. I was quite happy living with Marthe and didn't feel the rush and need to find my soulmate. The morning of Marthe's birthday I wake up having the thought of making some coffee and I knew I didn't drink coffee but I knew that Marthe does so instead of questioning the whole soulmates thing instead I thought hmm yea it's her birthday maybe I should make coffee for her. So I get out of bed and notice Marthe wasn't awake yet so I made her, her coffee and put the cup on the kitchen island. Just in time Marthe come out of her room and says "mmm I smell coffee." She smiles with a slight surprised look when she sees her coffee already made on the counter. "Thanks. But what's the occasion other than it's my birthday." Marthe ask knowing I don't always do this. "Eh I just thought why not." I answer still half asleep. "I'm gonna go get ready." I say yawning. "Don't fall back asleep!" Marthe shouts after me. I just groan in response.
I was in my room getting ready and I was in front of my mirror and had a random thought of what it would feel like if someone came from behind me and put their hands around my waist and buried their head on my shoulder. I close my eyes tired but also trying to imagine it. Little did I know Marthe was in the kitchen thinking where that thought came from. She went to my room to check on me when she realised where that thought came from. She just figured it out before me. Next thing I know I feel someone's arms snake around my waist and pulls my body towards theirs and snuggles their head in my shoulder. I open my eyes in shock but also calm because it felt so right. I was surprised to see it was Marthe but felt instantly happy. She then made eye contact with me through the mirror and kissed my cheek which made me blush like crazy. Throughout the day we tested out the theory which technically wasn't a theory because we were very sure this felt right but we thought random things that we knew the other would think it too and laughed. We were both so relieved we were each other's soulmates I mean we were very sure we were at least soulmates platonically but this is definitely the best outcome.

Marthe Woertman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now