Art Class

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It was a few months into my art course and every so often I would have small conversations with a beautiful girl named Marthe in my class. I was always so nervous to go up to talk to her and I have no idea how I've been doing it whenever I would go up to talk to her. It's like a random boost of confidence that just comes and goes. I've seen her drawing a few times her own art when we had spare time in class. Today I saw her drawing and I decided to sit slightly behind her. "Hey Marthe! So what are you drawing today?" I say genuinely interested in what she was deciding to draw today. Her head perked up hearing my voice and when she saw me she smiled wide. "Oh hey Y/N! Just drawing another woman in a bikini😁." She says with excitement but also in a tone that says 'shouldn't it be expected by now?' Today my random boost of confidence seemed to last longer then before so I decided to ask "Hey so um do you mind if I draw you?" I ask with a hint of shyness peaking through. "Omg yes please that would be so cool!" Marthe responded with a sparkle in her eyes. "Cool so erm can you send me a picture of yourself?" I ask slowly losing my non existent extroverted side. "Yea sure what's your phone number?" Marthe asks. I give it to her without a second thought. She sends me the photo and I get started right away. My art outside of school was much simpler but I always loved how it looked. I always sat behind Marthe not wanting her to ever take a peak at my iPad. And your probably wondering why? What do I have to hide from her? Well believe it or not I've had a crush on Marthe for a while now and this is the only time I've asked her permission to draw her. I haven't exactly hidden the drawings well and hard to find not thinking anyone would snatch my iPad to look through my art works. Also I don't think I would be able to sit and talk to her for too long my confidence would deplete and I wouldn't know how to get out of the situation. As nice of a person I knew Marthe to be I still couldn't help but feel intimidated by her. I mean she's a model she's beautiful and as much as I could relate to her I could barley speak to her how was I gonna share my similar interests with her. It took me about 4 hours to draw that picture of her I was so concentrated I barley took notice of the time.
The next day at school I woke up so sleepy because I was so concentrated on the picture of Marthe I was drawing that I almost forgot to finish the touch ups of the class presentation I had to do today. I quickly got out of bed and went on my way to class. In class my presentation was close to the end of class so not gonna lie I dozed off during most of my other classmates' presentations. I was fully awake right before mine though because Marthe was presenting and why would I be asleep during hers, right?! When it was finally my turn I quickly presented what I was suppose to but at the end my teacher was touching my iPad clicking on random things and at first I didn't think much of it but when I glanced over at Marthe unconsciously I saw her face turn to one of shock very quickly, my head snapped towards the screen so fast I was surprised I didn't break my neck. I look in horror at the multiple art works I had done of Marthe all displayed on the screen for all to see. Tears sprung up in my eyes as I quickly unplug my iPad from the projector and ran out of the class. As I ran out of class I heard Marthe shout "Wait!" But I continue running scared what she would think of me now. She was probably gonna think I'm some creep that's obsessed with her and she's probably chasing after me to tell me exactly that. I don't know why but all other logical answers were thrown out of my thoughts and I could only think of all the bad ones. I ran and ran and eventually ended up at the track and field. Tired I went up the bleachers and sat. If she finds me fine but I'm tired let's get this heartbreak over and done with. And in no time at all Marthe spots me and runs to the bleachers and for some reason has her sketchbook with her. When Marthe finally got to standing in front of me she sits down beside me tired and says "For someone much shorter than me you sure run really fast." Marthe jokes still panting. I look up at her shy but confused why she's joking when I thought she would be creeped out. "I'm sorry." I say with a sigh. "What are you sorry for?" I look up at her with a very confused face and say "For drawing must think I'm a creep." I say defeated and ready for her to talk to me like I'm trash. "No I don't think your a creep at all, like I said yesterday I think it's really cool that you want to draw me." She says genuinely with that same sparkle in her eyes as yesterday. "But I drew you like all the time even before I asked you yesterday if I could." I say looking down in shame. "Honestly I can't say much, I'm not gonna judge you for it cause I do the same thing." Upon hearing that I look at her with an eyebrow raised as if to say 'please continue I don't know what you mean'. "Well I've been drawing you too... Remember the drawing I was working on yesterday?" I slowly answer with a "Yea?" She then asks "Did you recognise it?" I think for a while but still couldn't remember much of the picture. "Not really." I answer. Marthe then opens her mouth then closes it with a sigh then says "Kinda wish you already knew but it's a picture of you..." Marthe says slowly as she opens her sketchbook. "But..I don't have pictures of myself in a bikini..on my insta.." I say slowly not knowing what to think. "Gosh now I'm gonna sound like a total creep." Marthe mumbles under her breath but I still heard it. "Yea you don' your best friend does.." Marthe says sheepishly cringing at her own words not thinking of how crazy it sounded till she said it out loud. She then looks away from me afraid of my answer. "That um..yea that does sound crazier then my situation..but um I'm flattered?" A bit of silence goes by but then the thought soon became less crazy in my head and then at the same time we start to ask a question but I gesture her to go first. "Hey can I see the art works you did of me though?" Marthe asks breaking the silence. "Only if you show me yours of me." I say not knowing where that sass came from. "Deal." Marthe says passing me her sketchbook. I smile excited but nervous to show her but pass her my iPad anyways. I hear Marthe exclaim with a "Wow." Looking at all my art works of her. But I didn't respond because I was looking at this one drawing she did of me and was in awe. I was never confident with my body and always tried to hide it which explains why I never post it on my social media but I also knew whenever Marthe drew women she would draw them as it is in the picture and she would never alter them. I looked at this drawing and for once in my life I didn't feel ugly. "Hey what's wrong?" Marthe asks grabbing my face by my cheeks to look at her. Marthe then rubs under my eyes with her thumbs and it's only then when I realise that I was crying. I glance down at the drawing then look back at her and say "It's beautiful🥺." Marthe looks into my eye with a small smile and says "Your beautiful🥰."

Marthe Woertman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now