Marthe x Julie

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This was requested by someone on Instagram.🙂

Marthe and Julie has been friends for 5+ years now and Marthe has been in love with Julie since day one. It wasn't exactly a secret either but Marthe knew Julie was straight so she respected that and didn't make a move on Julie. When Julie got a boyfriend Marthe tried even more to not be too touchy, not wanting Julie's boyfriend to think Marthe was trying to take his girlfriend away from him.
Marthe was on the couch watching some tv when she heard the front door open abruptly then slam shut. She quickly turned off the tv and rushed to the door to see Julie with her head in her hands crying uncontrollably. Marthe was hugging her instantly asking "What's wrong Julie?! What happened?!" Julie was crying so hard she could barley speak so Marthe just hugged her tight. Minutes later Julie's crying calms down a bit then stutters out "(Julie's bf name)..he.." "What did that bastard do?!" Marthe exclaims angry and ready to kick his ass for making her best friend cry. "He..he broke up with me." Julie mutters our then burst out crying again." Marthe hugs Julie tight and asks "Why would he do that?" Marthe questions not knowing how anyone would break such a great person's heart. "I don't know.." Julie says into Marthe's chest. Marthe then picks Julie up and puts her on the couch and hugs her tight. When Julie calmed down they pull away from the hug. And as if Marthe suddenly lost control of her actions she held Julie's cheeks with her hands and pulls her in for a kiss. It took Julie a few seconds to react but when she realised what was happening she pulled away quickly. Julie stood up abruptly looking at Marthe very confused. Before Marthe could come up with an explaination Julie sped walked out the door grabbing her bag on the way. Marthe just sat there for a few minutes just staring at the door not processing what she just did and what just happened. When she finally blinked and came back to reality she slapped both her cheeks with her hands and thought 'What the heck did I just do?!' 'Why did I just do that?' She then put her fingers up to her lips touching them and still having the feeling of Julie's soft lips on hers. Little did she know Julie was doing the same thing while on her way to a bar. The whole way walking to the bar Julie kept thinking of the kiss and how she felt about it. She didn't hate the fact she liked it. She didn't know what to think, she thought 'do I like Marthe in that way?' 'Am I straight??' Her boyfriend just broke up with her and her best friend just kissed her. Too many things happened in such a short amount of time that she was starting to get a headache. When she got to the bar she didn't hesitate to drink multiple shots wanting to not think about her problems anymore. She drank and drank till she felt tipsy.
Hours go by and Marthe was starting to get worried as it was getting dark soon. She then gets a text from a friend of hers who works at a bar nearby. The text was a picture of Julie looking close to drunk and a few tear stains on her face. The text said "Hey just started my shift and I think you should pick your friend up." Marthe then texts back "Thanks. I'll be right there." She grabs a jacket and rushes out towards that bar. When she gets there she spots Julie but there was a guy next to her. Marthe sees him drop something into her drink when she wasn't looking and stood close by. Marthe goes to rush to Julie before she drinks the cup with the drug in it but the crowd was in her way. She pushed her way through the crowed spewing out sorrys to anyone she pushed out of the way. When she successfully pushed her way through she spots Julie but she was already drinking the cup that had the drug in it. "Shit!" Marthe exclaims but it getting lost in the loud music of the club. She spots the guy who dropped the drug into Julie's drink go to touch Julie's shoulder and try to persuade her to go somewhere with him. Marthe storms up to the guys grabbing and throwing his hand back. She then says loud enough for him to hear "Leave my girlfriend alone!" Before the guy could answer Marthe grabs onto Julie to leave but the guy puts a hand on Marthe's shoulder to stop her but before he could even get a word out he was held back by the same friend who texted Marthe about Julie being at the bar. Marthe nodded at him silently thanking him, he nodded back in a way to say 'I got your back' then nodded towards Julie. Marthe looked over and saw Julie about to pass out from whatever drug the guy put in her drink. Marthe quickly picked Julie up bridal style and left the club to go home. When they get home Marthe helped Julie change into comfortable clothes to sleep in then did the same for herself. She tucked Julie in the bed and was about to leave to go sleep on the couch but felt Julie's hand on her wrist stopping her from leaving. Julie mumbled out a soft "stay." Marthe complied and got into the covers with Julie and cuddled her to sleep.
In the morning Julie woke up with a splitting headache she groaned and then realised she was at home and had a big t-shirt on instead of her clothes from the day before. Ah started to panic a bit but then realised she was cuddling with someone. She looked up and realised it was Marthe. The events from the day before all came flooding back at once but the thought that stuck wasn't her breakup but was her kiss with Marthe. For a second she didn't forgot she was hungover. But when her thoughts subsided the pain came back and she groaned out in pain. Marthe groaned waking up and opened her eyes to see Julie awake and wincing in pain. Marthe day up and was about to get out of bed saying "I'll go get you some water and Advil." But before she could stand from the bed she felt Julie holding onto the back of her shirt. She turned to Julie with a questioning look and before she could ask Julie anything, Julie pulled Marthe down by her neck and kissed her. They pulled away out of breathe. Both looking at each other in the eyes, forehead resting on each others and both blushing and smiling.

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