Marvel AU

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Another Marthe x Marvel AU😋.

I have wings and Marthe can teleport.
Imagine we're on a Mission with the Avengers. I just finished fighting off some Hydra agents and was flying towards Marthe and the team to group up again. I see Marthe notice me getting closer and smiles up at me. I smile back but that smile quickly disappears when I feel a sudden shock of electricity all over. I try to fight it at first but then feel a stab in one of my wings. At that I start to fall fast to the ground and as I'm falling all I could see is Marthe's horrified expression and it broke my heart. I was grateful Natasha (black widow) had a hand on her shoulder keeping her from teleporting to me and putting herself in danger trying to save me.
When I wake up my whole body is sore. I open my eyes abruptly scared of where I was. When I tried to move I realise that my wings and body were chained to a wall. I then started to panic but heard sounds coming from outside the cell I was in so tried to seem calm on the outside. I glare at the Hydra agents that come in. "Where am i🤬." I yell angrily. They shocked me with a electrical baton and told me to "SHUT UP! Or well do worse." "Let me go!" I pushed my luck. "They shocked me with an even bigger voltage and I felt my chains on my wings tighten pulling them further apart. I had an emotional connection with my wings so that quickly shut me up. They then put a chain collar around my neck and told me to not speak or else they would shock me. With chains still on my limbs and wings they drag me like an animal to who knows where. When we got to a door and they open it I look up to see a lab. See many syringes with bright neon liquids. By now there was an evident look of pure fear on my face. The Doctors in the lab smile at my fear. They strap me down on the table. Scared I struggle with all the strength I could possess. As I was struggling their boss came into the lab with a proud look on his face. I glare at him still struggling. He then frowns at my actions and threatens "If you don't comply we will kill your pretty little girlfriend." 😈 At the thought of Marthe getting torchered I abruptly stopped moving.
I then feel a stab in my neck. I winced and went to look over at what it was but I quickly lost consciousness. When I wake up I'm back in my cell but this time I'm not chained up but as my senses start to wake up I start screaming in pain. I felt sharp pain everywhere in my head and my whole body. All I could do was scream I couldn't even move. All I could see was rainbow streaks around me I could barley think what they were before I passed out from the pain. When I wake up again I'm drenched in water. I wake up abruptly not knowing what was going on, I almost think I'm back home and Marthe was trying to wake me up by throwing water on me but I woke up in a glass box. I instantly run to one of the walls banging on it and screaming to let me out. I then notice my lack of chains. I continue to bang on the wall in a slight panic not knowing what they had in store for me. They shocked the walls of the cage making me back away. A wave of rainbow light came out of me. I looked at my hands in horror (the rainbow Color is pretty but I was more concerned on wdh they did to me). I then looked over at the Hydra boss and shouted "What did you do to me?!" He just laughed. They all left the room but I knew behind one of the glass windows in the room they were behind still watching my every move. After I seemed to have calmed down a bit I hear from the speakers the bosses' voice "Move those wooden blocks in the corner with your new power." I look over to the corner not noticing them at all at first. At first I stare back at the window and glared but then remembered what they would do if I didn't comply so I looked over to the blocks and looked at my hands not knowing what I was suppose to do. I figured maybe it's powered by emotions like my wings when they change Color (referencing from my previous Marthe x Marvel imagine) so I concentrated on my anger towards Hydra. Out of my hands came that rainbow light but I could tell it was more red then any Color. I managed to lift the blocks and smash them to pieces, I was in shock seeing how a small amount of anger could do so much damage. "Good." I heard from the speaker. I look over and glared at the window again horrified at what Thye have done to me and scared what they plan to use me for.
It's been 2 months I think and I've been in this Hydra base being transported from my cell and the glass box. I'm in my cell staring at nothing losing hope of ever getting out of this hell. I hear bombs go off in the distance and I shakily go up to the cell doors to see what was happening. Suddenly someone appears in front of me and at first I cower in fear being torchered in this place for too long. "Y/N?" I hear her voice, the voice I've longed for and never thought I would hear again. I looked up so quickly I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. I looked up to see a concerned Marthe. She then teleports into my cell and then teleports us out. My mind going into panic mode I quickly pushed her away and said "No. you have to get out of here! It's not safe. Please get out while you still can." "What have they done to you😢. I'm not going anywhere without you!" She says back. "No you don't understand they will kill you." I say starting to hyperventilate. She then grabs me and without warning teleports. When I open my eyes again we're on a quinjet (a type of plane they use in the MCU). A sense of relief comes over me but quickly turns into fear "No I shouldn't be here! I'm dangerous!" I panic. Marthe then hugs me tight and says "We're not leaving without you." Bruce came over to me to give me an injection to sedate me to calm me down until we got back to the Avengers building. Knowing that would be safer for everyone I accepted it even if I have been traumatised by needles because of Hydra. The whole way home (Avengers building) Marthe held me tight never wanting to ever let go again. When I woke up again I was in a hospital room, it looked like a tornado was in here I also noticed the a light rainbow glow fading and I was drenched in sweat. I looked around scared. The door then opened and I see a very concerned looking Marthe and Steve trying to hold her back saying it's dangerous. I looked at Marthe scared but less tense, I then ask "What happened?" She then says softly "I think you were having a nightmare you were screaming stop and thrashing around. What did they do to you?" I look at her with tears rolling down my face "They gave me some serums and this power I think it's telekinesis but based off on my emotions like when my wings change Color." Marthe comes over to me and hugs me tight and I just cling onto her for dear life scared. "They..they shocked me and they threatened me that if I didn't comply they would kill you and they chained me up and put me in a glass box." I mutter all the horrifying things and sobbing into Marthe's shoulder.

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