Presents 🎁

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I'm the type of person who randomly will find something that I think a friend would like and get random gifts at random times for people. Marthe's birthday was in a month so instead of giving her a few random gifts I decided this time I should save them and give them to her closer or on the day of her birthday. So far I've accumulated 5 but I kept finding more things I thought she would like so in the end I ended up coming up with the plan to give her 21 gifts since it was going to be her 21st birthday. Some gifts would be small thing and some will be joke gifts but the 1-3 gifts would be slightly more expensive. It was a week before her birthday when I decided to ask "Hey babe do you want all your gifts on the day of your birthday or spread out?" The gifts were on my mind and I wanted to give them to her cause I was excited how she would react so I couldn't help but ask. Marthe up from laying in my lap and looked at me saying "Wait..what do you mean giftS? How many did you get??" "You'll find out eventually." I say shrugging my shoulders. "No seriously though how many did you get?" Marthe asks seriously. "Don't worry babe not all are expensive..just a few." I say nonchalantly. "Babe you don't have to buy me so many gifts." Marthe says. "I know. But I can and I will." I respond in a stubborn tone. Marthe sighs in defeat knowing I wouldn't let go of this 'argument'. " hmm ok maybe a few spread out then most on my birthday?" Marthe suggests answering my pervious question. "Okie! I'll go get some now!" I say excitedly. I run off to the part of the house where I hide all the gifts, peaking behind me to see Marthe looking I loudly say "Hey no peeking!" And I smile when Marthe turns back around so she couldn't see where I hid all her presents. I grab a few cute gifts and bring it over to the couch where we were sitting before. I gave her a Star Wars ice tray and a few stickers from spirited away. When she opened them she instantly went to wash the ice tray and put it in the freezer, and when she opened the stickers she started thinking of where to put them. "I'm glad you like them!" I shout after her as she's looking for items she owns to put the stickers on. "Like?! I love them! Thank you baby!"Marthe screams back. As the days go by the gifts consisted of a few gag gifts and small things I found online that I thought she would like, Shrek, watermelon,music, etc related stuff. On the day of her birthday was when I gave her the more expensive gifts. I knew before she was looking for a Nintendo switch so I decided to get the animal crossing one which came with the game and bought the Super smash bros game along with it. When it came in the mail I was thankful that Marthe was still asleep so I quickly got it in my hiding spot and wrapped it as quickly as I could. Thankfully Marthe woke up after I finished. When it came to cutting the cake that night and opening presents I quickly ran to my hiding spot and grabbed the present slowing down so I wouldn't drop it. When I came back into the living room I saw Marthe's eyes widen seeing the big present and I knew in her head she was questioning how much I had spent but I didn't care I loved giving her gifts and I probably wouldn't stop. Although probably had to stop spending for a while after this past month😂. After the party I helped Marthe set up her Nintendo switch and she was so excited she played for hours. I came back from my shower and she was still playing, it was getting late so I go over and say "Babe I think it's time to stop for the day, your eyes are getting red from staring at the screen for so long." Marthe saves the game and turned it off sleepily. She was about to get up but instead she pulls me down with her into the couch which surprises me so I let out a small scream not expecting it. Marthe then nuzzles her head into my shoulder. I giggle and say "Babe you need to shower." Marthe just groaned in response. I somehow get out of her grip and pull her up saying "come on lets get u in the shower and we can cuddle after." I say trying to convince her to get to the bathroom. "Urgh fine." Marthe groans as she goes to the bathroom. I take her switch and plug it in knowing she would wanna play more tomorrow. I then get to bed and wait for her to join me. When she is done she comes to bed and before we both fall asleep she mumbles "Thank you for all the gifts baby, you spoil me too much. Also I'm definitely getting you gifts back for spending so much on me." "Babeeee nooo you don't have to, these were for your birthday." I whine. "But you didn't have to get 21 gifts." Marthe points out. "Well yea but I wanted to, anything is worth it if it's for you." I say lovingly. "Same goes for me to you baby." Marthe mumbles falling asleep. "Goodnight baby, I love you❤️." I say kissing her forehead. I see Marthe smile a bit and hear her mumble an "Goodnight, I love you too❤️." Before we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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