Caught Crushing

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I was at a friend's birthday party with one of my friends and we were in a corner being antisocial not really knowing the other people here well. Occasionally I would look around and a few times I caught myself looking at one person in particular and even worse I found myself blushing. I kept telling myself to stop looking at her afraid she would eventually catch me looking with pink cheeks. She looked at me a few times but I tried not to overthink anything not what I g to get my hopes up. I rarely crushed on someone so quickly. I could tell my friend who was with me noticed and questioned if I was crushing but she didn't say anything. The girl I kept looking at eventually left with her mutual friends and I was left still thinking about her even thought all I did was glance at her multiple times. At the point I knew I was fucked because of the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about her. Eventually my friend and I left together and went to go home because we live nearby to each other. The girl was still on my mind and I couldn't take it anymore so I blurted out "I gay panicked so bad earlier." "Omg who was it?" My friend asks already excited. "The girl with the shoulder length hair.." I say slowly getting shy. "Omg the one with long pants dressed in all black?!" She exclaims already knowing who I was talking about. "Yea..." I answer softly wanting to hide. "OMG I KNEW IT!" My friend exclaims loudly. "Shhhhhhh stopppp, don't expose me.." I say softly embarrassed. "You weren't exactly discreet, you were blushing so much." My friend says knowingly. "Omg your face is so red!" She exclaims pointing at my cheeks. "Omg ask (birthday girl) for her instagram or her number!" She suggests excited. "Omg noooo. She doesn't even know who I am. Won't it be weird?" I say but secretly thinking about asking. "Ehm sorry but I overheard your conversation. My names Marth by the way." A voice said from behind us. Confused we look behind us and I come face to face with the girl at the party. My conversation with my friend comes rushing back and my face goes red with embarrassment. "Don't mind me I'll just go wait over there." My friend says as she inches away from us leaving me to be flustered. 'What am I suppose to say?!' I thought. I was panicking in my mind not knowing what to say or how to react. "I think your cute too." Marth says. "Can I borrow your phone?" She asks. Me still being speechless says "Um yea." Passing my phone to her, unlocking it. She then taps away on it and passes it back to me. Her phone goes off saying she got a notification. She then texts whoever that person is back and I got a notifications my phone. Curious I look and see it's from Marth. "I gotta go but I'll text you." Marth says with a smirk and winks at me then walks off.

Marthe Woertman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now