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I was out with friends and got home quite late. I was walking as if I was drunk but really I was just really sleepy. I fumbled with my keys and as I was about to open the door it opens very quickly and I almost scream startled but then realised it was just Lorena holding up a frying pan. When she realised it was just me she lowered her weapon and sighed in relief saying "Oh it's just you." Then as I walked into the house almost tripping on my own two feet. Lorena grabbed onto my arm and asks "Omg are you drunk?!" I was too tired to answer her so with no response she called out to Marthe who was just getting out of the bathroom finishing her shower. Marthe came to the living room and saw me stumbling. She chuckled and assured Lorena that I was just very sleepy. Marthe took me from Lorena and carried me bridal style to our bedroom. I was expecting her to put me on our bed so I could sleep in an instant but instead I found myself on the hard floor. I opened my eyes and looked at her in a Wdf way. (when I'm tired I get grumpy) she looked at me from our closet and says "You need to shower first." I groan wanting to just sleep but agreed as I kinda felt gross after the Long day. Marthe picked out my pjs and then pulled me onto my feet but not letting go of me knowing I would just plop myself onto the bed. She guides me to the bathroom. "Come on go take a quick shower." "I'm lazy." I slur. When she has me standing in the shower and because I refused to move she turns on the shower to it's coldest and I instantly wake up in shock. "Ahh wdh." I exclaim not expecting the rude awakening. I look at Marthe a little betrayed. She just smirks at me and tells me to shower. I say "fineeeee." She then thinks to herself 'ok I think she's awake enough to survive her shower.' When I'm done and dressed I get out of the bathroom now more awake then before. I go to the kitchen and open the fridge. But as I'm  looking into the fridge trying to decide what to eat it closes. I look over at Marthe slightly annoyed but knowing what she was gonna say. "Babe it's 2am let's go to sleep." "But I'm hungryyyy and you made me more awake." I whine. "Come on." She says while dragging me to our bedroom. When we get to our room she picks me up and throws me onto our bed. I squeal a bit in surprise. We then get under the covers. We cuddle and say our I love yous. She closes her eyes indicating she's going to sleep but because of my shower I poke her face so she will open her eyes again. She opens her eyes and looks at me saying "What?" "I'm more awake now..." she gives me that playful annoyed look but smiles at how cute I am. "Ok so what do you wanna talk about?" (Imagine when one of you can't sleep you talk about random things till one of you fall asleep but she always makes sure you fall asleep first.) When I finally feel sleepy I say a soft "I love you❤️." And she says it back and kisses my forehead.

Marthe Woertman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now