Bad Day

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I woke up feeling weird and meh. Usually I would text someone or do something to distract myself from thinking too much. But today I decided to detach myself from the real world and just keep my feelings to myself. Most of today I just played music on blast and laid in bed with no motivation to do anything. Out of no where I get a text from Marthe. I grab my phone lazily almost dropping it on my face but luckily I caught it before it did. I lazily open my messages and see that Marthe had sent a video so I click on it and it's a video of her being super goofy . A chuckle escapes me and before that small bit of happiness could fade away Marthe sends me another 5 videos. By the end of all the videos I'm laughing and my day has been made. I felt so grateful for her so I decided to send her a video to thank her. I started it and said "Hey Marthe thank you for sending those videos. Honestly my dad was pretty shit and you just made it so much better. Thank you so much❤️." I send her the video and also text 'p.s. sorry I look like shit' instead of texting back or sending a video back she decided to FaceTime me. I usually hated calls but made an exception for her so I answered the call. Before I could even say hi she says "How dare you say you look like shit and also why didn't you tell me you were having a bad day?" "Well I haven't gotten out of bed all day and I felt like shit so yes I do look bad. But also I didn't really feel like talking to anyone and didn't wanna bother you with my problems.." I respond pouting🥺. "Stop saying you look bad. And you can never be a bother to me, I love you!" Marthe says seriously. "Oh Marthe your too sweet. I live you too!" I say blushing. "I'm serious though I don't care where I am or what I'm doing if you need me tell me and I'll either be right there as soon as I can or I'll stay on the phone with you for as long as you need or want." Marthe says seriously and looks at me waiting for me to agree. I sigh but say "Okok I will..thank you🥺." I agree. "Anything for you bby😉." Marthe says and I blush not expecting her to call me bby😳.

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