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I was in my bedroom with a couple of helpers helping me get ready for my first ball. I've been kept hidden by my overprotective father for my whole life. I would occasionally sneak out of the castle in disguise but I tried not to do it too often scared of getting caught. I understood why my father was protective because of what happened to my mother but I knew how to defend myself. I was nervous getting ready for the ball tonight. I was planning to wear a pastel rainbow dress. My father's original plan was for me to wear a light pink dress but I convinced him to let me wear a rainbow one since it was my first ball and 'first' time interacting with anyone outside of the castle. He eventually gave in. So far I've met a few nice people outside of the castle but I have never met anyone outside of the kingdom. Usually at balls like these I would be finding someone who I could possibly marry but my father wasn't ready to let me go, being overprotective and all. I was curious thinking if anyone would dance with me tonight. I've gone to some dancing lessons but not many dancing with anyone else. It finally came to the time for me to make my entrance into the ball room. Before the guards opened the doors I took a deep breath then nodded my head to tell them to open the doors. They open them and I try my best to keep a straight face as I walk in. When I see the proud look on my father's face however I couldn't help but let out a small smile. I make sure I'm not walking too fast as I walk up the steps to the throne. As I was sitting there getting bored I spot someone wearing a suit and at first I think I'm seeing things but notice when this person moves sometimes I see shines of rainbow. I look at this person with curious eyes also because I wants sure if it's person was a guy or a girl even though he/she was wearing a suit. Before he/she could catch me staring I tore my gaze away. After a while of sitting there trying to stay in a good posture position I start to fidget. My father from the corner of his eye notices this and asks me if I wanted to go out there and dance. I nod eager to get out of my chair. My father then stands up and offers me a hand, I take his hand and we both walk down the steps down to the dance floor. The crowd parted as we walked to the centre. After the dance with my father I could tell he was tired so I told him to go back and sit while I continue dancing. He looked at me with that protective look that I know very well at first but I gave him a reassuring look and he sighed and went back to his throne. Aware that I was alone on the dance floor I felt my anxiety seeping through but I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. I then danced as if I was alone in the ball room like in my practices. As the song finished I did one last twirl and then I felt a hand on my waist and one that took one of my hands in theirs. I then open my eyes to look up at who it was. I was surprised to see the person I spotted earlier. Now with a closer look I studied every inch of her face. I was intrigued by her wondering why a girl was wearing a suit but in a good way. I was in awe at how a girl was wearing a suit it's like nothing I've seen before. "Hi. Erm sorry if I'm bad at this I've never danced with anyone properly before." I say softly blushing. "I'm Y/N by the way." I added realising I didn't introduce myself. "I know who you are. I'm Marthe and don't worry I'll lead." I blush realising this ball was technically for me and I felt more at ease knowing she could lead this dance. When Marthe dipped me I saw my father looking our way. At first I was worried what he was thinking but then I saw him smile and my heart felt more at ease. Eventually the song ended and the dance was over. I was sad thinking 'what if I never see her again.' "Um wanna meet my father?" I ask before thinking and instantly blushed and started to stutter but not knowing how to save myself. "Sure why not." Marthe answered shrugging🤷🏻‍♀️. I was shocked at first not expecting the positive answer. I then grabbed her hand and walk/ran towards the throne excitedly. Marthe chuckled at my excitement and how carefree I looked. When my father noticed us coming closer he gave us a questionable look and when he saw us holding hands and then to my face with a wide smile spread across it his smiled. I felt my worry wash away knowing my dad would be ok with me being with a girl. When we got to the throne were in front of my father who was now standing to greet Marthe. Marthe let my hand go for a second to kneel downing one knee to greet my father "Good Evening king Y/L/N (your last name). I'm Marthe Woertman from the Netherlands." My father then asks Marthe to get up. "Nice to meet you Marthe Woertman. I see my daughter Y/N here has grown a liking to you." My father says patting Marthe on the shoulder and winking then looking my way. I couldn't believe my father had just said that my face got red instantly embarrassed. But I was also Glad my father was open to the thought of me with a woman instead of a man. My father then leads us both into a more private room. Both Marthe and I follow behind in silence but sneaking glances at each other. Marthe smirking at me and me blushing. Even though my father was in front of us he knew what was happening behind him. When we were in private my father, my father reassured me that "Honestly I rather you be with a woman than a man. I can tell already that Marthe here (he says pointing to Marthe) will treat you like a queen.

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