Online shopping

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I was chilling at home waiting for Marthe to get back from work. I then hear the front door open and Marthe yells "Babe?!" In a tone that makes me feel like I'm in trouble for some reason. I slowly walk towards our living room and ask "yes..?" With a sheepish look on my face. When I see Marthe holding a pile of packages I I realised what was wrong. "Well..." I say dragging it off. "Babe, what did you buy?" Marthe looks at me with a disappointed look knowing I sometimes buy useless random stuff. "Ok so hear me out. Yes there are some useless stuff in that pile. But I also bought a few cute shirts and stuff we can do together." I say trying to get out of trouble. I then smile sheepishly and say "Come on let's open them up! It will be like Christmas." Marthe shakes her head disapprovingly but sighs knowing she wouldn't be able to stay mad at me. The packages consisted of 100 tiny ducks, a couple of card games, LED lights and a few shirts. When each package was opened I got so excited because I have been waiting for these for a while now. I definitely tried to hide the ducks when I opened that package wondering why I bought them in the first place. When we were done opened all the packages Marthe sighs and says "Ok now please refrain from buying more stuff for a while. At this rate your gonna make yourself broke. Now time for a fashion show." She says pointing to me and the shirts. I look at her shy and say "Hey I'm not like you I can't model."🥺 "Oh please! Just for me?🥺" Marthe pleads. "Okok fineee, only for you baby." I say blushing. After wearing all of them Marthe says "Hmm not bad. But you do know I have plenty of shirts you can wear right?" She says referring to her closet. "I know but I thought these were cute and I wanted them." I say.

Marthe Woertman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now