Breakdown / Sticky Notes

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This probably could have been split in two but yea😬

Today has been a rough day, I've been having a lot of negative thoughts. Usually I would write it down somewhere and for some reason decided to post them on twitter thinking no one would see them. The tweets were : 'Why is my self esteem so low?' , 'Why must I have anxiety?' , 'Why am I ugly.' 'Why does no one love me.' , 'Why can't I do anything right?' etc. I've been stuck feeling like this for a few days now but did nothing to change it. I just felt so emotionally exhausted that it effected everything. Later in the day I hear the doorbell go off and because it kept ringing relentlessly and I wasn't expecting anyone I assumed it was one of my roommate's friends. I dragged myself from my comfy bed and slowly walked to my front door. The person behind that door kept ringing the bell and I got annoyed with the sound so I shouted "Omg relax I'm coming!" The ringing stopped for a second before getting rung again. I groaned and pulled the door wide open with an annoyed face. I open it to see Marthe, I've seen her a couple of times when she would hang out with my roommate. Not gonna lie we sometimes would catch each other staring at the other but I never though much of it knowing she was way out of my league. "Um I'm actually not sure if (roommate's name) is home." I say rubbing the back of my neck. I was in my room all day I wouldn't know. "Um actually I'm here for you..." she said sheepishly. It took me a second for her words to sink in and when it did my blank face turned into one of slight shock. " no offence but why?" I question because this would be the last thing I expected. My plan for the day was the same as yesterday and the day before, lay in bed all day. "Uh can I come in?" She asks rubbing the back of her neck. I realise that I should probably have let her in a while ago so I said "Oh yea sure." as I make way for her to come in. I walk towards the kitchen taking notice my stomach was growling. "So um I saw your recent tweets." She said softly while following me to the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks when I heard that. I never thought anyone would read them..not like I did it for attention I just put it there as if it was a trash bin. " just ignore those, I'm fine." I say lifting my head up and smiling at her. It was a fake smile, I wasn't really fine but I didn't need her to know how weak I was or to worry. I then turn back to walking to the fridge. "You can't lie to me Y/N." She says as if stating a fact. I opened the fridge getting angry for some reason. I took out some watermelon to snack on. I then turn to her and said "We barley know each other, what could you possibly know about me?" I said raising a brow. I was aware I was being angry for no reason but for some reason I didn't know why i blurted that out. Thoughts like 'where did this anger come from.' And 'what is happening?' Was running through my mind but it was as if I just did whatever and I wasn't in control. "Don't push me away Y/N, I know your not fine." Marthe said as if she could look through my fake smile. And just like that it was like my walls came crashing down and I started to tear up. "What do you want from me? Do you want to know that yea I'm not okay. I feel like shit and I don't know why! Do you want to know that I'm fucking weak? That I'm useless? That I can't do anything right?!" I start shouting and at this point I realise I was having a mental breakdown and all my bad feelings in the past days just decided to all come out at this very moment. I look down tears rushing down my cheeks and dripping onto the floor. I start to hear a ringing noise in my head so I clutch my head in my hands. The ringing was so loud I didn't hear Marthe take small careful steps towards me. When she was in front of me she placed her hands on top of mine on my head. When I felt her trying to tell me to let go of my head. Defeated I let go and she took my hands and held them putting them down. She let go of my hands then put both hands on either side of my cheeks, lifting my head up to look up into her eyes. She then wipes away the tear streaks on my face with them her thumbs. She sighed sadly seeing most of the life that once filled my eyes dull and exhausted. She then pulled me in for a tight hug and at first I didn't hug back but eventually when I did I started crying all over again not realising how touch deprived I was.

Next morning I woke up in my bed, at first confused how I got there but then yesterday's events played through in my head. I then look around the room to find that Marthe was not anywhere around. "Was it a dream?" I asked out loud frowning. I go to grab my phone but then feel a piece of paper on it. I grab it and see it was a sticky note that said "Good morning Beautiful! ~M~"I blushed then raise a brow not used to getting messages like these. I then see the bottom asking me to look at my closet door. I groaned lazy to get out of bed but dragged myself out of bed anyways. I got up and walked over to my closet to find another sticky note and this one read "Wear something comfy we're having a lazy day!❤️~M~" the bottom said "look at your room door." I smiled at the note and picked out an oversized sweater and some shorts. I walk over to my door and the note said "Come join me for a sweet breakfast!😘~M~" I opened my door making my way to the kitchen with a small smile on my face. On the way there I the smell of pancakes reach my nose😌. I walk into the kitchen to see Marthe and the stove cooking and her dancing when there was no music playing. I giggled and when she heard she jumped a bit and turned to look at me, she had a embarrassed look on her face😳. I covered my mouth still giggling. "How are you so cute?" I blurt out, now it was my turn to to blush not meaning to say that out loud. She smiled at me. As I walk over to one of the high chairs at the kitchen counter I point to the pancakes on the stove and say "Hey watch it, I don't want my house to burn down." I say sternly really not wanting my house to burn. "Oh right." She says turning back to the stove😲. When she was done with the pancakes she started to cut up some fruit to put on the side. I connected my phone to the speaker and started to play some music. Marthe then started to sing using the spatula she used to flip the pancakes as a makeshift mic. I laughed at her and when she saw me laughing she her smile got wider and there was a spark in her eye. A part in the song Make You Mine by PUBLIC came on and she sang the lyric "put your hand in mine, you know I want to be with you all the time." She then puts the spatula to my mouth and I sang back "you know that I won't stop till I make you mine." When I sang that she stopped and stared into my eyes and I stared back as if in a trance. She then walked towards me and whisper sang the next lyric that was playing when she was very close to kissing my lips "Until I make you mine." I then lean forward more so that our lips touched. She then deepened the kiss and we both pulled away gasping for air. We both rest our foreheads on each other's. "Would you please be mine?" Marthe whispers as if she's scared I would say no. "It would be an honour to be yours🥰." I say back with dreamy eyes.

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