Chapter 6

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After we looked through all the lyrics, it turns out Namjoon and Yoongi liked my lyrics more than their own. I, in return, pointed out the lyrics I liked in their writing. Namjoon agreed to have some of their lyrics included, but it'll mostly contained my lyrics. At the moment, they're busy while I, on the other hand, was looking over their shoulder. Namjoon was working to improve the lyrics, and Yoongi was adding onto the beat. I helped Namjoon organize the lyrics so it'll flow better. As for Yoongi, I occasionally helped him. Whenever I try to offer him help, he'll give me an annoyed expression. After I helped him, the expression would fade. It didn't last long though, because he'll tell me to stop talking so he can concentrate. I did as asked but continued to help when he needed it. He would give me that same expression before thanking me. It kind of reminded me of the past since he never asked for help. Even when he needed it most, he kept trying his hardest to do it himself. Since I know how he is, I know when he needs help.

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

"Her sentence structure was similar to Y/N's... But that's impossible, I'm sure her style would change after all these years... Could it actually be her?" I thought, not realizing that I forgot something. "You forgot to add the bass," Y/N pointed at my laptop screen. I looked at her with an annoyed expression, "Thanks for the help but I know what I'm doing." She nodded and went back to helping Namjoon. "Yoongi, this equation is easy. You shouldn't overthink it. All you need to do is use the equation a plus b equals c. After you find what a and b is, you can find c." A middle school Y/N popped into my mind. "She can always tell when I need help..." I glanced over at Y/N. "So you think it'll be better if I deleted this portion of the sentence?" Namjoon asked, and she nodded. "You can tell that it doesn't belong there," Y/N pointed at something on his laptop, "Sometimes it's better to delete some words because it's too drawn out or excessive." I started zoning out.


"Yoongi, this doesn't make any sense! You need to add an article, like 'the,'" Y/N said as she pointed at my draft. "What? It does make sense!" I grabbed my paper to hide it from her. "Yoongi, we're not in elementary school anymore. We need to take this more seriously. Just add 'the' for it to make more sense," she placed her hands on her hips.

~Back to the present~

~Your P.O.V.~

I heard Yoongi let out a sigh. "Is everything okay, Yoongi?" I looked over at him. "Y/N... L/N, Y/N..." he was mumbling to himself. "Why is he mumbling my name...?" I questioned. He looked like he completely zoned out. I stared at him, confused. When he came back to reality, he noticed that I was staring at him. "What do you want?" he asked. He sounded more kind this time. "You looked like you zoned out, so I was making sure everything was okay," I answered, confused by his sudden change. "I'm fine, go back to helping Namjoon," he gestured, and I nodded.

~Time: 11:30 P.M.~

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

I yawned as I entered my room. "Are you going to sleep now?" Jungkook popped his head into my room. "I am," I nodded. "Have a good night then," he closed the door. "Let's do some research," I grabbed my phone and went to Safari. I started searching up Y/N's stage name. Then I tapped on the first website I saw. "L/N, Y/N is also known for her stage name, Y/S/N. She's a soloist under BigHit Entertainment. Y/N was born in Daegu, South Korea-." I immediately stopped reading. That was enough for me. "Y/N... I've missed you so much..." I finally realized how similar she looked when she was in high school. I tapped on the photo provided on the website. "Wow, look at that. She's come so far! I can't believe she's been living in the same building as me. But... How come I've never seen her around? Why did I have to act so mean to her? I hope she forgives me..." I thought. Then I remembered how she told me she missed me too. "I should really apologize for my behavior... I'll do it tomorrow," I went to bed.

~The next morning~

~Your P.O.V.~

I woke up early because Namjoon asked me to make the lyrics flow all together. I also needed to add names of who will sing/rap the verse. After I finished eating breakfast, I immediately went to my room. When I got on my laptop, my eyes were glued to the screen. It was like my life depended on this being finished before I returned to the practice room. When I was giving Yoongi his parts, I couldn't help but start getting side tracked. Unknowingly, I tapped something out. "Yoongi, I love you." When I realized it, I immediately deleted the words "I love you." "This stress is killing me! I just want to talk to him again," I rubbed my face with my hand, "Yoongi, why are you taking so long to recognize me? You know I'm too awkward to tell you upfront..." I got off my bed and decided to just take a shower. It might help me think of a way to convince Yoongi that I'm not a crazy fan.

~After a while~

"I think I have an idea..." I walked into my room before sitting back down on my bed. While I was finishing up, I started planning everything in my head.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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