Chapter 34

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~After a while~

It took some time but Yoongi finally agreed to tell the others. We stood outside their dorm room, ready to surprise them. He looked really happy just to see the door again. After Yoongi knocked on the door, and the door opened, Namjoon was left in shock.

"Y-Yoongi-! It's Yoongi, he's back!" he shouted. The others rushed to the door. When they saw him, they all froze. All Yoongi did was smile, "Did you idiots miss me?" Everyone ran to him with teary eyes. "We're not dreaming, right?" Taehyung asked, and Yoongi shook his head. "I'm the real thing," he chuckled. Then they dragged him into the room, and I followed behind them. "What happened?" Seokjin sat him down. Everyone started bombarding him with questions. "Guys, calm down," he said, "Let's just enjoy this moment and spend this time together. I'll explain everything later."

~After a while~

"Okay, enough talking. Our patience is running out," Jimin said. "What happened to Kim?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi shook his head, "She... she didn't make it." Namjoon looked like he was about to start sobbing, while the others and I were in shock. "I'm just joking. She's alive, but she's doing something at the moment," he assured. "Hey, don't do that. You were about to give me a heart attack," Namjoon said. Yoongi just smiled, "We should wait for Kim. She won't be long but it's best if she explained it." "Can you at least tell us what happened with Mimi?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi's smile faded, "Sure..." "If you don't want to, then that's okay too," Hoseok quickly added. "No, it's okay. I should give you some sort of explanation before Kim comes," Yoongi said, "You deserve to know this."

He took a deep breath, "It was like a torture chamber. I would get drugged every time we switched locations. When I wasn't drugged, I would be chained down and stuck staring at walls. Everyday, I would have to deal with Mimi and she would always sexually harass me. She'll be happy one moment but then something would trigger her, and she would go ballistic. Whenever she thought I needed my sense knocked back into me, I would be drenched in cold water. She'll constantly tell me that I should be grateful and that she was better than Y/N..." His expression darkened with each word. "You don't need to explain any further if you're uncomfortable," Seokjin quickly said, expressing everyone's concern. "It's fine. This happened a long time ago. I've had a week to reflect and overcome some bad memories," Yoongi assured us.

"Wait, a week?" Namjoon questioned. "Kim found me a week ago," Yoongi explained. "Wait-" Jungkook started off. "Like I said, Kim will explain everything," Yoongi reminded, and Jungkook nodded. Yoongi looked around at us. "How have you guys been? Kim told me she listened to your new songs, and... are you guys okay...?" he asked. "We became lost after you disappeared, because we weren't BTS anymore," Hoseok stared at his hands. "Since we didn't have you with us, it affected our songs," Jimin said. "But we've been trying to make less gloomy songs," Namjoon assured. "We're just happy you're finally back," Seokjin said. "I'm just happy I'm stuck with you idiots instead of that b****," Yoongi smiled. Then he looked over at me. "Now I don't need to constantly hear her whine about me choosing you over her," he pulled me closer.

Just then, someone kicked the door open. "I have food!" Kim happily held up two bags. "Kim, you're back!" Namjoon nearly tripped over himself due to how fast he got up. I started to look at her.

Her hair was cut to her shoulder, and she looked like she just returned from war. She had a white tank top tucked into camouflage pants. There was a bandage on her left cheek, and some wrapped around her arms. The look would be complete if she was carrying a sniper rather than food.

The others immediately ran to hug her. "Why did you leave us without a word, and then send that video without any further context?" Seokjin started shaking her for answers. "I'm sorry but I was on a mission to rescue Yoongi. I forgot you guys would think I died," Kim chuckled. Jungkook looked at her. "Your hair is shorter," he pointed out, "Did you cut it?" "Oh, this?" she ran her fingers through her hair, "It was bothering me so I cut it." "This isn't a good length for me to play while at night," Namjoon whined. "Don't complain," she rolled her eyes, "Now can you guys get off of me?" As she started walking, they continued to cling to her. "Even though we appreciate the thought, we already ate," Jimin said. "That's fine, Yoongi and I can just eat this all. Not like I waited in a long line just to get all of this for us," Kim replied, "It's totally fine."

"No, it's okay. We're hungry. It's been a while since we ate so we'll eat it," Seokjin quickly said. After a while, she pried them off of her. Then she hugged me. "You guys are being too clingy," she sighed after the hug. "You've been gone for a year!" Taehyung said, "Plus, you were the one who vanished!" "Do you know how much I missed you?" Namjoon asked, "You left me without a single warning. I thought I lost you forever." He started tearing up and she quickly went to cheer him up. I started tearing up as well because they finally returned. "Is this really happening?" I thought.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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