Chapter 50

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Hyun forcefully pulled the knife out of my shoulder. I could see my blood splatter due to the force. My shoulder started aching more. I felt blood gushing out.

"Am I really going to die like this? This is where I'm supposed to be with my fans," I felt tears forming in my eyes.

Hyun stared at me. When she noticed my tears, her smile widened.

"You look prettier like this. Maybe I should save your head for myself," she said.

The look in her eyes made her seem like a monster. Then she looked at the knife, and I looked at it as well. It was stained with my blood. There was some dripping from it.

"Where should I stab you now?" she asked, "I want to see more of your beautiful blood." She started scanning my body. "Should I make this go faster? Or should I prolong it?" she questioned, "I need to kill you before someone notices you're missing. I guess I should go faster." She held up the knife. "I'll stab you in the stomach so you can cough up blood. That'll be entertaining to watch," she slowly drew the knife down, like she was taunting me.

As it came closer, someone interrupted.

"Hyun, let her go," I heard.

Although I was getting weaker by the second, I had the strength to see who it was. It was Tim, he was here to save me again.

"I see you're here to ruin my fun again. How did you even find us?" she asked. "I went to check up on Miss L/N, but she wasn't in her room. That's when I knew you had her. Since I know you, I know that your murders are normally committed in an alleyway," he answered. "You're always so loyal. It's really annoying," she stood up, "You got lucky this time since your knight in shining armor saved you. Let's hope I have better luck next time." She grinned at me.

Her grin was (somewhat) suggesting that next time she won't let anyone interfere.

She pulled out a handkerchief, before wiping the blood off the knife. As she was passing by Tim, she said something to him that I couldn't make out. After she left, he ran to me. I just laid there with tears rolling down my face.

"How are you holding up? You need medical help immediately," he pulled out his phone. I quickly stopped him by placing my hand over it. Then I pushed it down. "Don't call anyone, just get me to Kim," I said. He stared at me, "Are you sure?" I nodded, "If we call an ambulance, it'll only attract more attention."

He pursed his lips together. Then he nodded before helping me up. As I was walking, I placed a hand over my injured shoulder.

~After a while~

When we made it to the door, Tim knocked. It took a while, but Namjoon opened the door. When he noticed all the blood, his eyes widened.

"Where is Kim?" I asked.

He only stood there, trying to take everything in.

"She's taking a shower," he was able to breath out. Just in time, Kim appeared. "Did someone need me?" she asked. When she noticed me, she was quick to rush over. "What happened?" she asked, and I glanced at Namjoon. She understood my signal. "Never mind, you can spare me the explanation later," she started bringing me into the room, "Let's get you treated. Namjoon, could you please close the door?"

After she sat me down, she rushed into the bathroom. Tim and I waited for her. She left the bathroom and headed towards her suitcases. After all that moving around, she finally came back to me. She cleaned up my wound before applying antibiotics cream. Then she started bandaging my arm. She did it so quickly that I didn't notice she was almost done.

"Namjoon can you wash this for me?" her eyes darted at the towel soaked with blood in a bucket of water.

He nodded and immediately took the bucket. After she finished up, she went to the bathroom. I watched her wash her hands, before thanking Namjoon with a kiss on the cheek. She quickly made her way back. Then she pulled out a notepad and pen. She started writing something before handing it to Tim. I leaned over to read what she wrote.

"Did Hyun do this? What happened?"

Tim held out his hand, and she hurriedly gave him the pen.

"Yes, Hyun did this. I don't know the specifics of what happened. All I know is that I found them in an alleyway. Luckily, I got there before it became fatal."

Then he handed it back to her. As she read it, the more unhappy she looked. She wrote something again and handed it back.

"We need to stop her before it gets out of hand."

Tim looked at her and nodded.

"I'm working on a plan right now. I just need more time."

After Kim read that, she put everything away. She was being cautious Incase Hyun was listening in, and it would be suspicious. "Okay, your wound is all bandaged up now. You should head back, please be careful," Kim said. We stood up. "Thank you for treating me," I said. She smiled, "It's no problem. The wound isn't too deep. I don't know what you were doing, but be more careful next time." I nodded in response. "Shall we?" Tim asked, and I nodded again.

As we were walking to my room, he didn't look happy.

"What's the matter?" I asked. He looked at me and sighed. "It looks like..." he started off, "Hyun has taken a liking to you." My eyes widened. Whatever he meant, it didn't sound good. "A liking...?" I managed to say through my fear.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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