Chapter 2

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My arm was still extended towards Yoongi, but I was frozen in my spot. His fierce glare made me want to cry. It was overwhelming for me. "Don't you recognize me, Yoongi?" I asked myself. "Yoongi, stop being so mean," Taehyung nudged him. Taehyung turned to look at me. "I'm sorry about him. He doesn't take kindly to strangers," he apologized on behalf of Yoongi. "It's okay..." I said, hoping Yoongi would at least recognize my voice. Instead, he let out a frustrated huff. "Are you lost?" Taehyung asked, bringing my attention back to him.

"No, I'm fine..." I slowly brought my arm back to my side. "If you say so. Again, sorry about him," he said. "It's okay, it's not his fault..." I replied, "I just thought he looked like a childhood friend. How silly, right?" I was trying my best to hold back my tears as I chuckled. When the elevator stopped at my floor, I quickly walked out. My tears were threatening to fall down my face. When I made it to my door, I fumbled with my keys for a while before walking into my room. I quickly closed the door behind me and pressed my back against it. I slowly slid down and started crying. "Why couldn't I say anything? He clearly remembers me... I-I could have finally talked to him," I sobbed. I thought about how I could have finally reunited with him, but my fear got to me again.

His band members and him live on the floor above mine. I knew that I was bound to run into him one day, but I started hating myself for not being able to talk to him today. Not only that, but my heart ached since he didn't recognize me. Even so, something was telling me to keep trying.

~To Yoongi and Taehyung~

~A while ago~

Yoongi and Taehyung watched Y/N quickly leave the elevator. "What's wrong with her?" Yoongi mumbled, clearly annoyed. "Yoongi, have you ever seen her? Like ever?" Taehyung watched the elevator doors slowly close. Yoongi stood there and started thinking back. "Now that I think about it... I've never seen her before," he said, "Maybe she's new." "She sure was cute," Taehyung smiled. "Cute, huh?" Yoongi started spacing out.

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~


"Stop calling me cute! I'm not cute!" Y/N exclaimed. "But you are cute!" I laughed. "I'm not cute, Yoongi!" she continued to shout. "Don't lie to me," I chuckled. "I'm not cute! I'm strong and powerful!" she started angrily approaching me. "You may not think you're cute, but I think you are," I pulled her into a hug. She froze for a while before happily hugging me back. "You're so weird," she giggled.

~Back to the present~

"Yoongi?" Taehyung waved his hand in front of my face. When I came back to reality, I realized that I was smiling. I immediately stopped smiling, and left the elevator since it reached our floor. "Did you hear anything I said?" Taehyung quickly caught up with me. "What?" I asked, staring at him in confusion. "Our manager was talking to another manager. They want us to collaborate with another idol due to the fans request," he explained and I looked at him. "We're busy as it is. We don't have the time to do a collaboration," I walked to the door. Taehyung held the door open for me.

I quietly thanked him as I walked in. "Don't you think it'll be fun though?" he asked. "I'm not interested," I started heading to my room. Before I could enter my room, Namjoon stopped me. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about the song we're working on," he said. "Namjoon, I'm exhausted. Let's talk after I take a nap," I said. He nodded and moved aside. I opened my door and quickly closed the door behind me. Then I fell on top of my bed. I blankly stared at my ceiling. "Y/N?" I quietly asked, "How are you doing?" "You make it sound like I'm dead," I saw Y/N, from high school, laughing. I let out a sigh. I was hallucinating due to lack of sleep.

"No matter how much I want to see you again... I don't have the right to," I mumbled. My eyes started fluttering. Eventually, they got heavy and I fell asleep.

~Your P.O.V.~

After I finished crying, I went to wash my face. Since my manager was coming over, I didn't want my eyes to look red and puffy. After a while of splashing my face, I left the bathroom. I walked around, trying to calm myself down. "Yoongi remembers me..." These thoughts were repeating over and over again in my head. I couldn't help but smile. Just then, there was a knock on my door. When I opened the door, I saw my manager. "Hello," I bowed. "Good afternoon, Y/N," she said. "Come in," I moved aside. She took off her shoes and I shut the door. "Let's go to your living room," she started walking off. I quickly followed behind her.

"I'm sorry about leaving so early," I apologized. "It's fine, don't worry about it," she assured, "Anyways, I wanted to discuss something that your fans have been asking about for some time now. I talked to another manager and we finally agreed to the idea." She looked at the paper she was holding onto. "You're going to do a collaboration with a boy group," she said, "Are you okay with that?" "Yes, of course," I smiled. I was happy to complete my fan's request. "Great, I'll meet you in room twenty-four at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late," she said and I nodded.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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