Chapter 24

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~The next day~

Today BTS and I will be interviewed. I prepared all night getting ready to answer and dodge some questions.

"Are you ready?" Charlotte asked, even though she knew the answer. With a determined expression, I nodded in response. "You should probably stop frowning. You'll get wrinkles if you don't," Yoongi said. I relaxed my facial expression, "I'm trying to think of all the possible questions they'll ask and how I'll answer it." "Don't worry about it. I know you'll do well," she said, "Plus, interviews are meant to be fun so stop being so serious." I nodded in response. I just needed to make sure my big mouth didn't blurt out embarrassing stuff. "Just relax, okay?" Namjoon asked. I smiled, "Okay, I'll stop stressing over it." BTS smiled back.

~At the interview~

It started off as any normal interview. BTS and I introduced ourselves to the camera. After that, the interviewer started asking questions. The questions started off normal before shifting into more personal questions.

"Are all of you single?" the interviewer asked. BTS and I looked at each other before laughing. "Of course we are. All of us are too busy to start dating," Namjoon answered, "BTS is a well known group, making it impossible for us to date. As well as Y/S/N (Your stage name), she's a well known soloist. We're just trying to focus on our careers. It'll be really complicated to devote time to someone when we're so busy." The interviewer nodded, but seemed disappointed by the answer. "Can you answer the question, Y/N?" the interviewer looked over at me.

I nodded, "I agree with what Namjoon said. Since I'm a soloist, I want to devote all of my time to my career. My fans happiness is more important than a relationship." I quickly glanced at Yoongi, who was listening carefully. "If I was dating, which I'm not, I would devote all my time to my fans rather than my significant other. That'll be problematic, especially for the person I'm dating. As Namjoon said, I'm just too busy," I said. The interviewer nodded again before looking at his paper. "Have you heard about the dating rumor between you and Yoongi?" he asked. I nodded in response. "Are the rumors true?" he asked.

"No, it's not," Yoongi said, making the interviewer give us another disappointed look, "Our fans misunderstood the situation since we were hanging out. People tend to pair idols together whenever they're seen together in public. The same rumors would come up if I hung out with another female idol. It's simply something that our fans want to happen, and a rumor is formed in the progress." Yoongi answered it calmly, even though he was clearly uncomfortable. "Do you think that something might happen between the two of you?" the interviewer asked, making me freeze. "I think they've been bothered enough by the whole rumor. It might be better to move on," Hoseok quickly butted in. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or pushed too far with those questions," the interviewer started looking for new questions.

I sighed in relief since Hoseok just saved Yoongi and I. "Here's something a lot of people seemed to ignore," the interviewer looked at Namjoon, "Who was the female in the photos?" Namjoon crossed his arms, "She's just one of my friends. We decided to hang out since I came here. This is where she lives." The interviewer nodded in response. He looked like he wanted to push further, but he didn't. The rest of the interview went by smoothly, and it became less awkward since the questions weren't too personal.

~In the car~

"She's just a friend," Jimin mimicked before laughing. Namjoon rolled his eyes, "I can't open up about my relationship when we're not ready." As Jimin continued to tease Namjoon, Seokjin looked over at me. "Those personal questions were uncomfortable, weren't they?" he asked, and I nodded. "I just don't get why interviewers ask those kinds of questions... If an idol needs to announce something, they'll do it on their own time. It's just uncomfortable when someone pushes for answers. People need to be more considerate about what they ask," I sighed.

Yoongi decided to play with my fingers to distract me from my visible stress, and it worked.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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